Can I still do it?


I go to a school on a quarter system and this quarter was quite intresting and disappointing.I realized that i have problems when it comes to test taking so this should be an advantage next quarter. I learned alot this quarter but my gpa has went from a 3.2 to a 3.0 i still have 2 more quarters left but can i still do it next quarter i am taking 3 sciences 2 labs psych and a lit class. I jus need encouragement i believe i can still do it but i get discourage sometimes

I'm starting to feel the same way! I've been told no by a few programs because of a few bad courses...10 years ago:bluecry1: I am at the point where I want to give up, but I know I can do it. You just have to keep the failth and work harder than yo ever had in your life. I am a terrible test taker, but I was able to get a decent score on the NLN Entrance Exam whike taking Microbiology and Developmetal Psych. You can do it!

Specializes in Critical Care, Clinical Documentation Specialist.

I took Micro, AP2 and Psych in the summer which was 3 months long, so a fair equivalent to your quarter (I'm on semester). I was putting in over 40 hrs a week towards those in just 3 classes (25hrs just towards AP labs alone!).... I don't think you are being reasonable taking 5 classes (plus labs) in the same time. I think you are setting yourself up for failure in your schedule if you take all of those in 1 quarter.

I am usually encouraging when it comes to schedules and challenging people, especially since I have pushed myself with taking a greater number than 'normal' myself. But, if you plan on getting any sort of good grade, you should lose at least one of those sciences and the lab. I understand you want to be done quicker, but having a poor GPA across the board in those classes because you took on too much is not going to look good.

I have taken 48 semester credit hours and maintained a 4.0. I took 5 classes this semester: College Algebra + 4 social sciences (16 credits). I was stretched tight this semester even though they were mostly social sciences and not the true (and way more fun!) 'sciences'. If you did the same last quarter with piling on the classes, your low marks may not only be your test taking skills, but be because you are just spread too thin.

Good luck!

Six classes per quarter is a lot. I too am not the world's best test taker. I graduated from college 30+ years ago. For some goofy reason, I told myself that I needed to do it in 4 years. As an ag biology major with an emphasis in plant protection, most of the last 2 years were hard science. On top of it, the last year I had to work full time.

Needless to say, I did not get great grades.

Fast forward to 2009, I'm wanting to get into nursing school and so I had to take some pre-reqs.

I discovered the secret to getting straight A's. One or two classes at a time and hard-core dedicated time for studying. It was a snap! I start an accelerated program on Jan 4th. We'll see how that goes....

Good luck!

Specializes in Emergency, Pre-Op, PACU, OR.

You want to keep your GPA over 3.0 preferrably, and if this quarter gave you some challenges then you really might want to consider lightening your course load next quarter. In the long run, a higher GPA will be more beneficial than having finished all your prerequisites in a short time, if the second means that your GPA is too low to get into nursing school. From what I have seen with my co-students and my own experience, 1 science (lab) class plus possible 1 science (non lab, e.g. human nutrition) class plus one or max two other classes seems a comfortable work load. Of course that is dependent on each individual. Your science classes require a lot of focused reading to truly understand the concepts. They are your foundation for nursing school, and you really don't want to skimp there.

I agree with all of you. I was working full time while doing the foundation courses. I also got great grades, but in New York the programs are so competitive. I am still fighting to get into school! No worries though I'm sure you will have no problems increasing you gpa. Just stay the course

I've always made it my intentions to spread out my science classes if I was able to. Why over whelm yourself and risk lowering your GPA. However, If you have little time and you know you need to get through your semester (or quarter) then make it happen. I'm a believe of what you think about you bring about. So you need to convince yourself to start thinking about what your going to do after you pass your classes and boost your GPA back up to 3.2 (or higher)

You will do great. The fact that your pursuing support says a lot.

Thank you all for your responses.I took them in consideration and i realized that taking 3 science classes would be crazy. Im taking 18 credit hours 1 of which im taking in order to be considered a junior in the fall of next year. But i feel relaxed about it . Now i have another question winter quarter our chemistry class is taking organic chemistry what is the best way to understrand it?

A tutor helped me with my sciences, but I am also a self learner

I agree with all of you. I was working full time while doing the foundation courses. I also got great grades, but in New York the programs are so competitive. I am still fighting to get into school! No worries though I'm sure you will have no problems increasing you gpa. Just stay the course

I agree New York is ridiculously competitive.

You can definately do it!! Study study, flash cards, memorization and faith. :)

Good luck.

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