Published Aug 25, 2017
1 Post
I'm starting nursing school in January. My last prereq's were spring 2017 (APII, Micro, Nutrition). Is there anything I can be doing now to get a head start?
I signed up for Pharmacology at the local community college. This was before I knew I was going to get into school to start in Jan. I've since dropped the class to save the money but plan on keeping the book and start familiarizing myself with the drug names, etc.
I've got 4 months and want to put it to good use!
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
Take a CNA class and get certified. The hands on will help you be more comfortable when you start clinicals. (It can be extra income as well...)
6,953 Posts
Will you take pharmacology class as part of your nursing program, then? If not, I highly suggest sticking with your original plan to take it.
LovingPeds, MSN, APRN, NP
108 Posts
I agree. I went ASN, BSN, and working on MSN now. My original ASN program was not strong in pharmacology. The drugs were discussed as the conditions they were used to treat were until the very last exam of my last class when it was mostly pharmacology. There never was a formal class. As a result, most of the class was 'weak' in pharmacology when we graduated and started to prepare for NCLEX. I really appreciated the formal pharmacology class offered with continued education. In addition to the CNA recommendation, I would also focus on reviewing the anatomy & physiology of some of the more complex systems: renal, cardiac, etc. I always found understanding that made understanding the concepts behind rationales/physical manifestations so much easier. Best of luck!
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,503 Posts
Moved to Pre-Nursing Student forum.
Best to you!