Can I get an AMEN !!


Specializes in School Nursing.

today is my last day of school before summer break !

i am soooo ready to be off and get some rest, relaxation .....and some spring cleaning done !


praiser :heartbeat

Specializes in School Nursing.

Amen, sister! It's my first day of summer school, but I am enjoying giving the ole office a good cleaning and organization session!

Specializes in School Nursing.

I was off school 2 days and got some kind of virus/flu!!!:o Running a fever and coughing like crazy. At least I don't have to worry about "my" kids because there's no sub. I'm sure I'll be recovered soon and enjoying my summer. Happy break to all my school nurse allnurses friends! :yeah::balloons::monkeydance:

Specializes in School Nursing.
i was off school 2 days and got some kind of virus/flu!!!:o running a fever and coughing like crazy. at least i don't have to worry about "my" kids because there's no sub. i'm sure i'll be recovered soon and enjoying my summer. happy break to all my school nurse allnurses friends! :yeah::balloons::monkeydance:

:crying2: aww....hope you feel better real soon ! happy vacation :bowingpur

praiser :heartbeat

Specializes in LTC.

Praiser- Enjoy your summer break ! You have worked so hard and now its time to unwind and relax. As a matter of fact I hope all you school nurses have a wonderful summer break. Purple scrubs- enjoy working summer school. I loved working summer school because I can get my incoming files in order and clean out cabinets and reorganize. Summer school is slow paced so I'm sure you'll be able to relax as well.

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