Can I become a school nurse with only about 4 months of bedside experience?
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Can I become a school nurse with only about 4 months of bedside experience. I loved my public health rotations, and have worked with the pediatric population as a CNA. I am currently a post partum and Obstetric stepdown nurse working nights. I am aware that it is a pay cut, but the current job I have is not something I'm ultimately passionate about. I know how big of a responsibility it would be, and would commit myself to classes to tran for the situations that may pop up.Is this feasible or no?
Can I become a school nurse with only about 4 months of bedside experience. I loved my public health rotations, and have worked with the pediatric population as a CNA. I am currently a post partum and Obstetric stepdown nurse working nights. I am aware that it is a pay cut, but the current job I have is not something I'm ultimately passionate about. I know how big of a responsibility it would be, and would commit myself to classes to tran for the situations that may pop up.Is this feasible or no?
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