Can I ask a question that is NOT related to nursing...?


It's rather a personal question...I thought it would be best to post the question in this forum because I feel you would give best tips/feedback.

Can I? :unsure:

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

You can ask but please be aware that we do not give medical or legal advice and if non-nursing related, may be moved to the breakroom.

Hi traumaRUs, thank you for your prompt reply. How can I find the breakroom so that I can post my question there? When I asked this question, I couldn't find the appropriate forum so I resorted to "General Nursing Discussion".

Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

Why don't you just post your question, and if the admins feel it needs to be moved, it'll be moved?

Okay I'm going to post this question, and please feel free to remove it if it violates the policy of

Here's what happened: over the past year, I have had major problems with my urinary tract. To make the long story short, I had an episode of UTI, so I was put on antibiotics for one week. However, the symptoms never improved, and in fact, I am still having them to this day. That infection began back in January 2013, so it's been a year. I've been going back to doctors for testing for bacteria, but there was none in my urine culture.

Today I am beginning to experience sharp flank pain, so I went to ER because I found blood (visible and microscopic) in my urine three times. Unfortunately, when the doctor gave me a slight punch to the areas where I've been experiencing the "kidney pain" and I told him, "yes, I can feel the pain after you touched the areas," he heard me but refused to address that and just kept talking about how there's nothing wrong with my body. Ironically, the sheet he handed to me stated that I have microscopic blood in my urinalysis.

My question is how do you get your doctors listen to you when you have a bad gut feeling that something's just wrong? I went to three different doctors and they dismissed me, even refusing me to have an ultrasound or a CT scan. I was supposed to see a urologist but it's been five months since my GP referred me to the specialist...still no call from the office. I have other symptoms but I won't disclose them here lest they might complicate the understanding of this story.

Help? I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to ask the question. I just don't know what to do if the doctors would just stop staring at their computers and turn around to listen to your symptoms? I'm so frustrated and so sick of going to the bathroom every 30 minutes over the past year.

Specializes in pediatric.

I was going to suggest a second or third opinion, but it sounds like you've gone that route. How about a different type of doctor, such as a naturopath?

I was going to suggest a second or third opinion, but it sounds like you've gone that route. How about a different type of doctor, such as a naturopath?

I could try visiting a naturopath but I am having gynaecological symptoms that I think may have been caused by these urinary tracts so that's why I'm clinging to visiting medical doctors. The problem is, they never listen to you!

I could try visiting a naturopath but I am having gynaecological symptoms that I think may have been caused by these urinary tracts so that's why I'm clinging to visiting medical doctors. The problem is, they never listen to you!

Have you gotten tested for chlamydia and all other STIs? They cause urinary symptoms and flank pain. Most STIs can lay dormant for years before causing issues. See a gyno get blood and urine tests for STIs. The standard yearly exam does not test for them. A pap only tests for job.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

You are now seeking medical advice. Talk to your GP. Talk to your GYN. Follow up with urology. Members cannot ethically offer medical advice to someone sight unseen on the Internet. The possible answers to your dilemma are varied and can only be answered by a licensed healthcare professional not random anonymous individuals on a message board.

Good luck

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Do I understand that your primary doctor referred you to a urologist 5 months ago and you are still waiting to hear from the office? Have you considered that the referral might have been lost?I will admit to being an impatient person, but had that been me, I would have waited a week before I started making a pest of myself on the phone or in person to schedule an appointment.My best to you.

Do I understand that your primary doctor referred you to a urologist 5 months ago and you are still waiting to hear from the office? Have you considered that the referral might have been lost?I will admit to being an impatient person, but had that been me, I would have waited a week before I started making a pest of myself on the phone or in person to schedule an appointment.My best to you.

Yes that's exactly what happened. I'm still waiting. I am too an impatient person but when I felt the symptoms getting seriously worse (e.g. the stabbing pain underneath my ribs), I went back to my GP and asked for the referral to be rendered "urgent", still no call.

I'm going to try to call the office again.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

We cannot give medical advice on this forum, please visit your GP and he will refer or support you. Good luck and I hope your symptoms resolve

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