Can anyone help find cheap airfare to Baton Rouge?


I am set to voluteer at LSU. Need cheap airfare from PHL to there. Hopefully in the $200 range? Need to leave early next week and return in 7 days. PM me. Thanks!

Forgot to share. I went on Priceline and made an offer of $200. They came up with $287, but I'd have to arrive at and depart from, with a 4 hour layover...

in New Orleans!!!! :chuckle

Forgot to share. I went on Priceline and made an offer of $200. They came up with $287, but I'd have to arrive at and depart from, with a 4 hour layover...

in New Orleans!!!! :chuckle

What are you doing at LSU? I want to go and have been so frustrated that I am about to give up. I can stay two weeks and have the ok from my nurse manager.

That would be an interesing layover!

Call the airlines. I called and most I spoke with had discounts for relief workers. Northwest, discounted me almost 50% off regular price. All I needed to have when I checked in was a letter from the organization I was volunteering with stating the purpose of the travel. HTH~


Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
Call the airlines. I called and most I spoke with had discounts for relief workers. Northwest, discounted me almost 50% off regular price. All I needed to have when I checked in was a letter from the organization I was volunteering with stating the purpose of the travel. HTH~


GOOD JOB ! I was just going to SAY.............. if you are going to volunteer your time to assist in relief, I would certainly think, and HOPE that there would be provisions made for greatly discounted rates.. for ALL who are embarking on this venture. It is pure common sense, yes?

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