Camosun BSN - Fall 2016

World Canada CA Programs


Hi Camosun Bachelor of Science in Nursing students!

I have an interview coming up soon..does any one have details to share? Would really appreciate it.

All the best :)

So you think there's an interview or is this it?

From my understanding, I believe this is it.

I hope this is it! I have heard that the test is sort of like a MMI but they probably had too many applicants to interview so they replaced it with this.

So if you go to the CASPer website it explains that this to replace traditional personality tests like interviews, resumes and letter of references. So yeah, this is the "interview"

My understanding is that this is in place of the interview. It saves them a lot of time I guess!

dang they're going to find out that I'm truly a terrible person :p (jk)

Hi everyone, I have the CASPer test coming up as well and I am so nervous as to what types of questions will be asked as well as I am not the best at writing papers on the spot due to grammar errors. So nervous! Can anyone give me any incite?

Thank you :).

They don't count spelling or grammar, but obviously it needs to be proper enough to get your point across! It's essentially a test you can't prepare for, but check out their website, they explain the test structure, etc.. The link it's within the email!

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