Calling all EKU BSN or ABSN students


After reading some seriously mixed reviews from the past, I'd love to hear from some current EKU students. What do you think of the EKU BSN and/or ABSN program? Thanks in advance.

I'm a future current student, meaning I'll start in the fall. So far, after meeting a lot of the faculty I'm very pleased with my decision to go with their ABSN. For some reason this program has always felt like a great fit for me, and I like the smaller school atmosphere as well. My first bachelors is from Purdue, which has like 55,000 kids or something ridiculous. Anyway, I've spoken with a few former students that have all agreed that the program is tough but worth it. I'm very excited, and I think that will help me in my "journey".

I just wish that the office was more organized. I went for an orientation day, which apparently I didn't need to do, but no one felt the need to tell me that. They just let me spend my $45 for my gross lunch and then walk around from building to building trying to figure out why I couldn't register when it's because the program puts a hold on your account. But they don't tell you that either. While I was in there she explained why they do it and how it works, but she said I wasn't the first person to try to register so I thought, "maybe it would be a good idea to tell everyone this." She said she was going to send an email but I still haven't seen one and I was there on May 24th. My day wasn't a total waste, but if I had known going into it that I wouldn't be able to accomplish half of what I was there for, I would've been able to plan my day better, you know?

In all, I like EKU because it is cheaper, it's faster, and it's close. Not as close as UK (I'm in Lexington), but I don't want to go completely in debt and take three years to do something that I can do in 16 months and minimal student loans. For me, it works, but since I'm leaving the job market to pursue this career change, I had very specific requirements and EKU fit the bill.

Are you trying to decide between EKU and another school?

Amanda it is no bother at all to answer your questions but as I seldom post (more of a reader) I can't reply to you any other way but here.

On clinicals....they don't start until your 2nd 8 weeks of the first semester. You go one day a week. Ours were on Saturday. I was placed at Ephraim McDowell in Danville. The other clinical site was in Corbin, KY. The first 8 weeks you learn the basic tech stuff plus some of the nursey stuff in a clinical lab located on the third floor of the nursing building. You learn stuff like: turning, making beds, trach suction, starting IVs, starting foleys, wound care, med administration, etc. Your first clinical rotation will be very mild though and you'll mostly do tech like duties. I always requested that if a nurse on the floor had something cool, like a dressing change, or needed an IV started, or whatever, that I'd be interested in doing it if they were okay with that. And some of the nurses will come let you do stuff like that. The more you do the better. And no, I didn't have doodley squat for experience when I started. I was a microbiologist in an equine hospital in my prior life.

The next semester you'll have two clinical rotations- one med surg and one psych. I think everybody was at St. Joe for the Med Surg, and either Eastern State or The Ridge (there maybe was some at Corbin). I was at Eastern State. This was the most disappointing of the rotations as we did very little and had very little patient interaction, but I think it's difficult to arrange. If you're at Eastern State you'll see what I mean. Over summer you'll do Labor and Delivery and Peds. This is a very short rotation, comprised of only the first 6 weeks. We were all at Central Baptist for L&D, and either UK or Shriners for Peds. I was at UK. You want UK. You see more stuff and get to do more; they are used to teaching there and answering a ton of questions. The second 6 weeks of summer is public health. You drive around and see the countryside. You do a seatbelt survey. You maybe put on a healthfair. You have to wear super stupid scrub pants. The last semester you have your critical care clinical for the first 8 weeks- two days a week. We were either at UK or St Joe. I was originally placed at St Joe but as the UK clinical was Tues and Sats, I easily switched (and boy, was I glad I did). The last 8 weeks is your synthesis. You work whatever schedule your preceptor works until you acheive so many clinical hours. Your placement (meaning unit) apparently depends on how well you do on the first HESI. I did really well and chose my placement in the NICU at UK. Some others were at St Joe. If you don't do well on the HESI, they put you in Med Surg to improve your skills (or that's what they tell us anyhow).

To be honest, coming into the programs and even exiting, I didn't have a clue where I wanted to work. I did love working in the NICU but couldn't get on there. I ended up hired into the Neuro ICU @ UK. So far, I like it. I did most of my beginning orientation in the Medical ICU (because my new unit wasn't open yet and the old unit was saturated with new nurses) and it turns out, I really like it there too. I do like the ICU environment (lots of detail), and many of my professors told me that I would excel there. They also told me I'd be a good candidate for ER but I'm not feeling that just yet. ER kind of scares the crap out of me. I'm still so new though, it would be difficult for me to say that I've given any unit a fair shake just yet.

I think that was all you asked me but you're welcome to ask more if you think of any. You can email me too if you like at [email protected]

WOW! Thank you so much for your response! It was all I could have asked for and more. I'm just so nervous about starting that I'm trying to be all OCD and being as prepared as possible. I hope things are going well for you over at UK - maybe we'll see you when we start our rotations!

I'm a junior at EKU going after by BSN and LOVE it so far! We have one of the best programs in this area, it's one of the many things that we're known for. I started off at the Danville campus (funny you should mention Ephraim McDowell Hospital--where I was born), and am now in Richmond. I'd say stick with EKU, they take good care of you and the hospitals in KY respect nurses who are graduates from there (since most RNs in KY are EKU graduates).

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