Published Nov 11, 2005
221 Posts
Nurses led the way
against Schwarzenegger's initiatives
they rallied teachers, social workers, firefighters and students
they showed the voters the governor's initiatives
would not solve California's money problems
they kicked gluteus maximus
hooray and congratulations!
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Yep........who's the 'girlie man' NOW???:rotfl:
BTW, it's great to have you back, maureeno!! WELCOME HOME!! :balloons:
10 Articles; 19,008 Posts
while the governor addressed a state convention of 10,000 women, a few nurses unfurled a protest banner that read "hands off patient ratios." schwarzenegger grinned for the tv cameras, then said: "pay no the special interests. i am always kicking their butts." demoro was outraged. "for the governor to denigrate nurses -- a historically female profession -- while speaking to an audience of women is an affront to women everywhere," she told cnn. because schwarzenegger had shut them out of the health-care debate, the nurses decided to take their case to the streets.
but voters may not have gotten this message if it weren't for demoro and her indefatigable nurses. early on they stressed that schwarzenegger's election was a corporate power grab at the expense of california workers. the nurses hammered home this message almost daily, even when they risked being ostracized. as lou paulson, head of the california professional firefighters, said: "rose ann and the nurses showed us that the emperor had no clothes."
loved the last quote!
Check out: Schwarzenegger Drops Legal Fight Over Nursing Staff Ratios
4,491 Posts
This article gives a short history of the struggle by California nurses to get safe staffing legislation into the law.
The nurse in the picture is a CNA elected officer, a so-called "union boss". She works as a staff nurse caring for children in a pediatric hematology/oncology unit.
Governor drops fight with nurses on staffing
He withdraws appeal in legal battle that galvanized union even before special election
16 Posts
We should acknowledge the SEIU Nurse Alliance members who organized several tens of thousands of Nurses to support and to take action to make sure california ratios became reality! This is a great victory for all nurses!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Awsome another point for the nurses. :)
ABSOLUTLY! Thank you Nurse Alliance and ALL who taught the people of California to vote for their best interest!
SEIU nurses with CNA nurses unfurled the banner protesting his attack on the safe staffing ratios at the conference in 2004 where Arnold said, "Pay no attention to those special interests over there.I kick their butts every day in Sacramento."