Calculator for drug calculations


  1. Which calculator?

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      Scientific calculator
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      Simple calculator
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My graphing calculator bit the dust after I took statistics so I don't have a calculator any more. Is a non-graphing scientific calculator appropriate or should I use something simpler? I asked my professor and our lab will be providing calculators for the exam, so this will be for study purposes only.

I'd just get a simple one. You're not going to need anything more than just the easy 4 function stuff. :)

I had a simple scientific calculator and it worked great for me when doing drug calculations. With dosages calc all you need to know is the formula and plug in numbers where they fit in the formula. It's actually pretty simple. Took me a bit to get used to it however; now I know what do.

My school only lets us use a basic calculator and cannot be scientific. They even have us turn in our calculators before a drug dosage exam to enforce this! With the said, I didn't find a need for anything else plus basic calculators are cheap. If i were to get anything else I would get a simple scientific calculator. You don't really need much other than fractions.

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

All you need is a four-banger (add,subtract,multiply, and divide)

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