Cab Vouchers


Just wondering how many or your hospitals give out cab vouchers to the families when they cry they have no way home?

I work at a peds facility and often we people come in, in the middle of the night for something stupid like a rash that has been there for 3 weeks, they then claim they have no way home.

Are actually required to provide them a way home after discharge? I heard adult hospitals don't usually do this, I doubt that.

Do you give outvery many vouchers?

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

we give out a fair number of cab vouchers, easy cheap way to get them out the door with little argument.

Specializes in Ante-Intra-Postpartum, Post Gyne.

I worked in a mobile clinic that mostly saw indigent and homeless people. We gave out bus vouchers for those that needed to see a specialist or go to the hospital for tests we could do at the mobile unit.

Specializes in ER, Peds, Charge RN.
we give out a fair number of cab vouchers, easy cheap way to get them out the door with little argument.

Easy, even cheaper way: "You leave now, you don't get a voucher, here is security to escort you out."

Specializes in Peds ED, Peds Stem Cell Transplant, Peds.
Easy, even cheaper way: "You leave now, you don't get a voucher, here is security to escort you out."

Or don't let the screen door hit you in the fanny on the way out :trout:

Specializes in ICU, ER.

We used to, but too much abuse and we stopped.

Specializes in ICU, PACU, ER.

Abuse With The Taxi Vouchers At My Hosp Has Lead Us To No Longer Give Them Out, When An Abuser Asks For A Voucher We Tell Them We No Longer Have That Program Because Of Abuse To The System. We Will Give Them To The Elderly And Legit Person Needing Them. We Had A 23 Yr Old Gal One Time Demand A Voucher (she Was There Visiting Someone In L/d) When Questioned Found Out She Was A Visitor Not Pt, Stated No Way Home And No Money The Nursing Supp Came And Talked With Her (she Was Making A Scene) Decided To Not Help Her Out And I Proceeded To Watch Her Go To The Atm In The Hosp And Get Money Out And Call A Taxi For Her Self, This Incident Changed Our Policy On Handing Out Vouchers To Just Anyone.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

A voucher for the cab, with instructions to stop at pharmacy, a voucher for the meds, a voucher for a run through mcDonalds, then finally Home, and then maybe a stop at grandmas house.

Make it easy for all

Don't you love it when other departments of the hospital send down patients/visitors to get a voucher!

Most vouchers you fill out the name and address of departing person. We would get the receipts back at the end of the month, I saw one had the destination scratched off and a new one entered (by the cab company) and you guessed it was a bar 3 miles from the ER. Gotta love it.

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