buying older edition books


okay does it matter if i buy my textbooks from a older edition the edition behind the new one?? or do i need to buy the current ??

It really depends on the book. We had one book in which there was literally no difference between the editions that we could find. However, another book had completely shuffled entire chapters, so the page numbers were way off. You had to spend a lot of time in the index searching for stuff, and that got annoying real quick.

The other downside to buying older editions is the lack of access to the online resources. Plenty of people get through school without the online resources, and some would have failed without them.

I would recommend getting the newest editions just so you don't ever have to wonder.

its understanding nutrition the new one is 100$ & up ,older version 12$ hopefully someone used this book so i cam have some knowledge

Ask the instructor. They usually recommend the cheaper editions unless there is some specific items missing. They should be able to tell you if the pages will be off or what items are missing.

thanks i emailed her

I would ask the professor. If there are a lot of differences or different page numbers it may be a big deal. Then again it may not. The professor should be able to tell you.

thanks i hope not 12$ is a great bargin

What edition of Understanding Nutrition do you need? I have an ebook version. I just took it last semester, so it should be the newest edition.

i need the 13th version but the 12th version is much cheaper

Wellll I have the 13th edition in a PDF format that I could send to you if you're at all interested. Unless you need the hardcover book, in which case good luck, because there are major differences in information between the 13th and 12th edition of that book.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, reka2014

Always check with the professor. I've had professors ok it, and others state we had to use a newer text.

Thank you.

kcsunshine i sent u a pm thank you i will used that long as its useful !

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