Published Aug 21, 2014
okay does it matter if i buy my textbooks from a older edition the edition behind the new one?? or do i need to buy the current ??
205 Posts
Nursing textbooks older than 3 years or maybe it's 5 years are were not accepted at my RN school. When we started doing care plans, we had to cite, APA style or whatever it was, the rationales for the proposed care on our care plans. The reason for citing was (I was told) because a nurse must be able to prove that her actions have some basis other than "I just thought it was a good idea."
I didn't finish RN school and it's been a while so I can't remember the specifics. But check with your school so that you don't wast money on textbooks that the school considers obsolete.
42 Posts
I sent you it. Hopefully you're able to open it and view it.
2 Posts
Does anyone have the pdf format of the 13th edition nutrition book?
i do i still have the email
Can I please get it at [email protected]
1 Post
hello kcsunshine, im a nursing student in florida, I was wondering if you could send me a pdf copy of the 13th edition. kindly send it to [email protected] thanks a lot and happy holidays!
ill email it to u