Bunker Hill Community College Fall 2017


Is there anyone currently in the BHCC Nursing Alternative program? I just completed my application for the fall 2017 and wanted to confirm If it's just one night a week & weekends. I'm nervous about getting accepted, since my TEAS score was just a 76%. But my GPA is 3.97, so I hope this will help me.

Thanks that was super helpful.I am a little worried about clinical as l I don't drive and fear they will be to far, hoping they are t accessible. Just nervous because I want to start already but scared because I know it will be plenty of work, which is to be expected . What size scrubs are you by the way ?

I'm size 10-12 in clothes.

You can request certain locations but no guarantee you will get it. some are far. i know a few girls that either got rides with other students or uber'ed it.

I personally drove a student home at 10 at night regularly like an hour out of my way. Most students are supportive like that, people try to help each other succeed. Most clinicals are once a week for 6 weeks so you can just figure it out for those weeks.

The only thing I would say to the people looking to do BHCC simply so they can keep working full time, just realize as the program progresses the time involved increases. Many people had to repeat or failed out altogether because they couldn't find the time to devote. It's a lot of work no matter how smart you are.

Out of 125 starting the program 39 graduated and that included people who came back after failing prior semesters.

I 'am a size bigger but thanks for your kind offer! I am planning on only working 15 hours a week, but I also have daughter , I am hoping to manage my time very wisely.Also Hoping to make friends for carpooling I have also heard that for the most part everyone is very supportive of each other throughout the journey. That is crazy how much smaller your class got, I think people fail to realize nursing school is not a joke.

Yes - and of course life happens, if you get sick, or a family situation comes up at a bad time that can affect things. Just take it one semester at a time. You will do great!

Just had a question regarding the day/evening/weekend/alternative classes....by any chance can someone please let me know the estimated hours each day/week? I would greatly appreciate it. Congrats on your exceptance and for those who are still waiting...please do not give up!!!

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