Bunker Hill Community College Fall 2017


Is there anyone currently in the BHCC Nursing Alternative program? I just completed my application for the fall 2017 and wanted to confirm If it's just one night a week & weekends. I'm nervous about getting accepted, since my TEAS score was just a 76%. But my GPA is 3.97, so I hope this will help me.


Im currently in my first semester doing the Nursing alt program at BHCC. I have class on Tuesdays (class from 4-6p and lab from 6-9p). Clinicals would be either Friday (evening) , Saturday (morning) or Sunday (morning).

My TEAS score was 79% and my GPS is 3.6.

Bunker Hill changes a lot around from one semester to another so I am not sure if the schedule will be the same next semester.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have further questions.

Hi BJAri123!

I'm applying for Fall 2017 Hybrid/Alternative Program! I just took my TEAS today and scored an 84 - I had gotten an 86 on the last version. My prerequisite GPA is 3.3 but undergrad was 3.5 and grad 3.8. I previously was accepted to the evening program a couple of years ago but ended up not going as I thought I would get a scholarship to a BSN program.

I have a friend in the Alternative program and she has class once a week and clinical one weekend day. It is challenging if you're working full time but definitely the most affordable option in the city.

Fingers crossed for both of us! I think with your GPA you should be fine!

I'm so anxious to find out if I got in, does anyone know when we will find out?

They don't have a specific date listed anywhere on their webpage but based on old threads here on AllNurses I think it should be around the last week of April/first week of May.

Are you planning on working while in school? Is this your first degree? I hope I get in, and then I can't wait to meet everyone! I'm looking forward to making friends with like-minded people :)

Hey guys. I have also applied for fall 2017. I submit my teas score from Quincy college, I didnt get the letter to take the teas from bhcc. Anyone knows how that works.

I believe TEAS scores were due by March 10th - that is strange that you didn't get a request for your scores. As far as I know you can submit scores from other schools, that is how I did it a couple of years ago.

Did you already submit your scores from Quincy College? If not, I'd call the school right away to inquire if you can still send them.

I am currently in the Nursing program and I am working full time. Its possible to do both but its not easy. The day before any exam I take the day off so I can have some more study time. I believe you are good at time management and don't fall behind on your assignments you will be able to do both :yes:.

Hello Everyone,

I am currently waiting for word for acceptance in the Evening program. I scored an 84% overall. 94%math

75% reading and 87% science. Any applicants or current students in the program willing to post. I'd very much appreciate it. It's easier to compare a score. Good luck everyone.

I just got off the phone with Admissions(617-228-3398), she tells me that we should recieve notice at the end of the month.

Now that we are in April I will be checking my email daily either way.

Thanks for the update! Good luck to everyone :up:

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