BSN Our Lady of Holy Cross College...HELP!

U.S.A. Louisiana


I am applying to the BSN program for nursing but I don't know the average acceptance rate for that school. I am freaking out. I took almost ALL the classes I need but I am just freaking out. I need some advice. I had to change the school i was applying to at the last minute so now everything just took a WIDE TURN. I AM FREAKING OUT!! Someone please help me...PLEASE! :( ANY advice would be awesome.

From my research lol, it seems students started getting letters(acceptance and rejection) around the 4th of May! I will make a post asking if anyone applied to UHC!

I applied!! Are you confident?

I am because I have faith, buuuut reading about how they accept their students first is kinda shaking me a bití ½í¸© I feel like I'm in tho!! How about you?

Honestly, same. I don't see any reason why I would not get in. I have worked so hard for this but I am worried that because I didn't take my pre reqs at HC(i took them at Ole Miss) my chances are shot....however I need to be confident because I know I have worked hard!

I received my rejection letter today☹️ They wanted me to take classes there. I really think that is so unfair. They should just tell students if you never attended Holy Cross do not apply to the program because we only accept Holy Cross studentsí ½í¸¡

Candynurse, did you get accepted? Unfortunately I did not

Ugh I'm so heartbroken, they told me the same thing. It's okay tho! I'm enrolled for next fall and and hoping for next year. Will you reapply? Also-I too think it's completely unfair

Yes I will be attending Holy Cross in the fall������ I will reapply. This girl I know got denied and she took 1 class at HC, but they told her the samething. I need to find out how many classes they want you to take there.

I was really really upset at first but I feel better because I really think that it was nothing more than me not being a student there. Did they tell you they would call if a spot was open?

@Nolanurseforever @Candynurse16

Hello Ya'll.

As Yall can see in the thread from last May 2016. I also have been denied because of the same reason. As for this semester, I did get accepted because this is my second time applying. As for the classes, Theology and Theology elective is all I have left. I have taken my courses at Delgado and UNO. Other than that, don't give up because your second time around will be a blessing. Good luck to yall.

Same here and yes they did say if a spot becomes available they would call meí ½í¸”

Thanks so muchí ¾í´—í ½í¸” How many hours do they want you to take at HC before they accept you? Thanks for your time, it's greatly appreciated !

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