BSN gen ed requirements ??


Can any Excelsior RN to BSN guys or gals shed some light for me on the gen ed requirements for Excelsior's BSN?

For instance, the "expository writing core" for 3 credits. The degree chart says it has to be at the intermediate or advanced level, but all the eng/writing classes I'm finding are lower level. Which class currently satisfies the requirement?

After completing the ASN at EC, which humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences would I still need for the BSN? I already have statistics scheduled for summer 2 and have tested out on patho.

Thanks in advance!!

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

Oh, the famous "expository writing" course at EC!!!

There is almost no way to get out of taking EC's "Writing for the Professions" ENC 201. The only other course EC has been accepting as a replacement for the last year or so is a writing course through BYU.

I've heard from people with previous English degrees who still are required to take EC's course.

Good news is that it's a great prep course that teaches one how to write an APA style paper which will be the basis of at least 50% of your future EC nursing course grades. Which by the way, the BYU course does not necessarily teach APA so I am still very confused why EC accepts that course as an equivalent, but I digress. . .

Bad news? It's 15 weeks long and you can't do any BSN nursing courses until it's done. I wish they would offer an 8 week course option for this course.

My recommendation? Suck it up and sign up for their course ASAP so you can be cleared to go ahead and start the nursing courses. Well, I think you have to have upper level Ethics first also, but that is available through several acceptable means such as an EC exam, CLEP (or is it DSST?) and both 8 and 15 week course through EC.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

After completing the ASN at EC, which humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences would I still need for the BSN? I already have statistics scheduled for summer 2 and have tested out on patho.

For humanities they accept courses such as languages (French, Spanish, so on), music and/or art appreciation, literature courses. One relatively easy CLEP that many recommend is "Understanding and Interpreting Literature" which is worth 6 credits. It doesn't require a lot of prep. Another CLEP is "Humanities" (also worth 6 credits) but it requires some study for most people. Another reasonably easy test that counts for credit here is "World Religions" by DSST. I studied a couple of weeks and passed easily.

Social Sciences; for this they want courses such as Developmental Pscyh (which you should have), general Psych, Sociology (which you should have), abnormal Psych. Even courses such as government or civics count here.

Natural Sciences is where they count courses such as your A&Ps, Micro. I also got credit for biology and Algebra I.

Keep in mind that CLEP/DSST credits are great for knocking out credits quickly and the price is so right! It can be a problem if you are go to graduate school or beyond. Some graduate schools (depends on the school) count pass/fail courses as a "C" grade and this can drag down your GPA significantly potentially putting you out of contention for some programs that require minimum 3.0 or at least affecting your competitiveness.

TiffyRN, thanks so much! I definitely agree about the clep as far as the GPA is concerned and my future FNP program, so I do not use them, but I do love the UExcel exams for the letter grades. Thanks for the BYU reference also. I am now looking into to that, although I would have never known about it if it wasn't for you.

Just to make sure there is no confusion, I am currently working on my ADN but I am also trying to knock out anything I can that will count towards the BSN. Anyway, thanks again. I always appreciate your advice :smug:.

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

No problem. I only know about the BYU option due to this board and it is also discussed on the the EC BSN page on FB. I graduated just a few months ago but I find that EC is always changing and innovating so some of my advice is already getting aged.

Feel free to join the "Excelsior College BSN Program" page on FB. There are lots of people there who are in the program right now as well as others just considering it as they work through their ADN. I didn't discover it until half way through my BSN and it is great support.

Thanks again TiffyRN! Ok,so I just got added to the facebook group. Now if I can only figure out exactly how to use it LOL! I know it's strange, these days, but I have never been on facebook. I have absolutely zero interest in anything else facebook related which drives my friends nuts : )

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

It's okay. In these closed groups, it's very private. If you don't want to be active on the traditional side of FB, shut down your privacy settings. Find some youngin' and they'll probably know how to help you.

Specializes in Med/Surg & Critical care.

This info was really helpful. So tell me how much Is EC BSN. I saw $495 per credit hour and the total nursing component is 60 hrs about 29,700? Also can you take Expository Writing before being enrolled/accepted into the BSN. Thanks Tiffy!

Specializes in Med/Surg & Critical care.

Oh another thing.... Have you heard of anyone failing this program? I saw that you said it's very doable but is it hard to get an A or B on the papers that's required.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

If you know APA format and proper citation, it is not hard at all to get an A. And the BSN program did not cost me $29000. I guess if you were to take all courses and no exams, it might reach those numbers. But the majority of my general education credits were exams, which were a fraction of the cost of the courses.

Specializes in Med/Surg & Critical care.

Oh ok cooI. I have all pre reqs but I would have to do the Writing course. Question about the health assessment. Do you really have to preform a head to toe video in a healthcare setting?

Specializes in Nurse Scientist-Research.

Used to be, no longer required for a couple of years now.

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