Broward August 2015

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello Everyone,

I am new to this site, but I've seen other threads for other semesters for Broward College. I didn't find one for August 2015. I figured this would be a good place to share each other's excitement to (HOPEFULLY!) start the program in August. Let's all support each other on this journey! :)

Here is the prereq info from Broward's website:

GPA of 2.5 is required in the following courses withasterisk (*):

*ENC1101 English Composition

*BSC 2085 & *BSC 2085L Anatomy and Physiology I and lab

*BSC 2086 & *BSC 2086L Anatomy and Physiology II and lab

A general education Math course (Area 5)

Students must earn a grade of C" or better in all prerequisitecourses to be eligible to apply. Pre-requisite GPAmust meet the minimum 2.5 in order to be considered.

I think there is a prereq to get into A and P 1 so I would say it would take about a year to be ready to apply to the nursing program.

Thank you so much for this info. I really appreciate it!

Thank you! I will definitely keep you updated! Yes, I wish Broward had the straight BSN program, rather than the RN-BSN program, but it's ok. Still very hopeful to be part of their program. I only hear really good things about it. I must say I have heard that it's extremely difficult, but I'm ready!

Currently studying for the HESI (scheduled to take on May 23rd). Were there any websites or resources that any of you found helpful? Please share. :)

I have a 3.1 gpa and hesi overall score of 83. I have a friend who is starting the broward program this Monday! I will keep you all posted on how it is when she lets me know 😊

The program is doable! You just have to dedicate yourself too ití ½í¸Š will be worth it in the endí ½í¸Š

Hi there! I'm new to this site as well! But I applied for the August term! And I've been waiting for a long while for a response from them! Hope we all get in!!! 😀

Hi! Yes, please keep us updated!

hi Roxii77,

I was told be one of the people in the Admission Office at Central that they didn't anticipate making any decisions before June.

We will all get in, just think positive í ½í¸Š

Just positive vibes !!! June seems too far away :( . The wait sucks . I applied for jan 2015 for mdc but was denied. That was my first try and I got denied. It was such a sad day . This time around I applied again to mdc and added broward to my list and most likely add chamberlain before the end of may . If all else fails just start paramedics since I have an emt lic. I rather avoid that route if possible . Thats my story . I got an AA in business back In 2011 and decided that was not my calling. I started my pre reqs and finally was able to finish them and applied to mdc . In the process of waiting to hear back from mdc I went got my emt lic. After getting denied from mdc in november I decided to try again and widened my options . This is where I am today. Good luck to all . Of course I Will be on this post . So post your experience and if you applied to another schools . Please post your gpa , hesi score, and other schools you applied for etc .

@rene what is your gpa for the broward program ?

@rene what is your gpa for the broward program ?

To be honest I have no Idea . I know that my gpa from mdc is 3.3 and for science gpa is 3.3 ....

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