Brookhaven Fall 2010

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone. I just turned in my application for the THIRD time this morning! I'm really hoping that third time's a charm. Has anyone turned in their application yet?

Hey everyone, please post and let us know if you got in or not and if so with how many points. Good luck everyone!!

Yes good luck to us all!!!! I bet the status emails will come before March 18th, because that is the week of spring break. Ames - did you apply anywhere else?

I only applied at Brookhaven so all of my eggs are in this one basket! This is my third time so I am hoping this is it for me.

I just found out they didn't approve my course sub request for end of life so I am one point less for fall. Hopefully I can enroll for the class this summer! It's so hard to get in.

Any guesses as to what the point minimum will be this semester? Could it go higher than 31?

oh man that totally sucks. I'm sorry. I'm guessing with 40 seats that the cut off will be around 31-31.5. If they add the additional 10 seats then I would say around 30. How many points are you applying with?

oh btw did you get the status email already?

I haven't received the points email yet. I was talking to someone yesterday and she told me they declined. My points for fall will be 28.6 and spring should be 34.6.

I'm just hoping it doesn't go higher than 33 pts for admission. I was really hoping to not retake the HESI. I made a 91 on it and hoped it was high enough.

yea 91 is pretty good for the hesi. i was also terrified to do the retake but i scored 86 the first time so I still had room to improve. I improved almost 3 points so I was so happy. So your points will be 34.6 in the spring without retaking the hesi? If that's the case then i wouldn't retake it at all. 34.6 will definitely get you in the next application period.

I agree... I wouldn't retake the Hesi. If you don't get in this time then just sit back. Most people generally apply twice before getting in. That is a great Hesi score.

anyone got their status emails yet? It's the 18th and I still haven't gotten anything from the nursing admin.

Is DCCCD on springbreak? If they are you probably won't get your email until Monday.

yea you're right...I'm just so anxious! :)

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