Brookhaven College Spring 2015 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello everybody! It's a little early, but I thought I'd start a thread for the Brookhaven Spring 2015 start date. How's everybody doing? :)

Why the waiting is taking forever. I am so eager to know if I will get interview. Lol sucks waiting :(

Tick tock ;)

Try to relax. I'm sure you went back and looked over the incorrect answers. You'll do great! Good luck!!

Thank you & yes, I am trying to relax. But, I am super nervous because I am not sure what was right and what was wrong. On some of them, I wish I had a bit more guidance. I would hate to be ineligible due to the module!

Goodluck to everyone who is anxiously waiting! I am praying that I can get through this module and be in the waiting stages with you guys soon! :)

Quick question and I totally may be over thinking this, but I just want to see what you high dosage calculations module scorers think. LOL. When trying to calculate a specific order if it is asking me to administer a specific medication and it wants it every 6 hours or 8 hours, etc. When calculating, do I take this into consideration and divide my order by however many hours before I divide it by what's available? I'm thinking obviously I would because it is asking per dose but I just want to make sure. Otherwise, I'm not sure where the issue lies. I appreciate any help or feedback, just trying to review and work through these previous questions before I try for my third time!

Quick question and I totally may be over thinking this, but I just want to see what you high dosage calculations module scorers think. LOL. When trying to calculate a specific order if it is asking me to administer a specific medication and it wants it every 6 hours or 8 hours, etc. When calculating, do I take this into consideration and divide my order by however many hours before I divide it by what's available? I'm thinking obviously I would because it is asking per dose but I just want to make sure. Otherwise, I'm not sure where the issue lies. I appreciate any help or feedback, just trying to review and work through these previous questions before I try for my third time!

It's been a while since I took mine, but from what I remember, the question will tell you. Reread the question before starting the conversion. It should specify if it is asking for how much should be given per dose, or how much should be given in say a 24 hour period for a drug given every 6 hours. Here is a good site to refer to for help.

It's been a while since I took mine, but from what I remember, the question will tell you. Reread the question before starting the conversion. It should specify if it is asking for how much should be given per dose, or how much should be given in say a 24 hour period for a drug given every 6 hours. Here is a good site to refer to for help. - Helping Nursing Students Learn Dosage Calculations

Thanks so much! I figured as much, just wanted to check! I will check out the site as well. Thanks again.

Ok guys, I have another quick general question. I don't think rounding is my friend and possibly where I am running into issues! I know the instructions say "round to the nearest hundredth unless instructed otherwise". Should I hold true to this? For example, if there was a result such 3.33333333333 etc. But, let's say I was solving for capsules or something. Usually this would be rounded to 3 but for the sake of the instructions should I round to 3.33? This isn't a specific question or answer from the module, just using these numbers for my question. I would appreciate any help or insight!

Ok guys, I have another quick general question. I don't think rounding is my friend and possibly where I am running into issues! I know the instructions say "round to the nearest hundredth unless instructed otherwise". Should I hold true to this? For example, if there was a result such 3.33333333333 etc. But, let's say I was solving for capsules or something. Usually this would be rounded to 3 but for the sake of the instructions should I round to 3.33? This isn't a specific question or answer from the module, just using these numbers for my question. I would appreciate any help or insight!

Yep, I remember having a few of these questions. If it says round to tenths or hundredths you would do that. The ones that don't specify most cases you would round to whatever is stated in the original instructions except for situations where the medication could not be administered in a partial amount such as a capsule since, for example, rounding up from 1.6 capsules to 2 capsules could potentially lead to toxicity in the patient. But this is just another example of read and reread the question to make sure you don't get tripped up.

Yep, I remember having a few of these questions. If it says round to tenths or hundredths you would do that. The ones that don't specify most cases you would round to whatever is stated in the original instructions except for situations where the medication could not be administered in a partial amount such as a capsule since, for example, rounding up from 1.6 capsules to 2 capsules could potentially lead to toxicity in the patient. But this is just another example of read and reread the question to make sure you don't get tripped up.

Yea, I totally think this is where I am suffering! I am sure I have the work right, but then when I get down to rounding.. I am never sure what to do. Because I wouldn't administer 3.33 capsules but then I am like the instructions say round to the nearest hundredth so I'm stuck going back & forth between what to put down. So, in regards to the example you presented just in regards to the module you would leave it as the 1.63 (just to show the hundredths place) or 2?

So it is official.....I can't put in my application because I didn't make the point in Dosage calculations. I made 89 in both 2nd & 3rd attempt. It's such a bummer at this point to go through tough classes such as A&P and make excellent grades only to be held back by DC. I am so mad right now. No plan B in place but will try and meet up with el-centro,s requirements. I will still retry do DC in January be cos going to Brookhaven will be so convenient for me.

@ intricate. .......try harder & don't sweat it because it's not the end of the road.

Good luck to you all.

Yea, I totally think this is where I am suffering! I am sure I have the work right, but then when I get down to rounding.. I am never sure what to do. Because I wouldn't administer 3.33 capsules but then I am like the instructions say round to the nearest hundredth so I'm stuck going back & forth between what to put down. So, in regards to the example you presented just in regards to the module you would leave it as the 1.63 (just to show the hundredths place) or 2?

What it comes down to is figuring out, is this something I can give a partial or fractional dose of. So in the example above, you can't give a partial capsule of something so you would give only one capsule since 1.63 would not be possible and 2 capsules would potentially be toxic. Same is true for when you have gtt/min or mL/hr problems since you cannot set the drop rate to partial drops. If you are calculating drops per min (gtt/min) and your calculation comes out to 8.6 drops per minute you would in this case round down. The cases you can give partial amounts would be injections where you could accurately measure to the tenth or hundredth, or certain tablets that are scored so you can accurately split them. I would go back through the module and review each section and make a list specifically of the rounding rules presented since that is exactly how the test rules will be. It made a huge difference when I retook my dosage exam the second time.

So it is official.....I can't put in my application because I didn't make the point in Dosage calculations. I made 89 in both 2nd & 3rd attempt. It's such a bummer at this point to go through tough classes such as A&P and make excellent grades only to be held back by DC. I am so mad right now. No plan B in place but will try and meet up with el-centro,s requirements. I will still retry do DC in January be cos going to Brookhaven will be so convenient for me.

@ intricate. .......try harder & don't sweat it because it's not the end of the road.

Good luck to you all.

Good luck, keep trying!

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