Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Is there anyone applying to BRCC's nursing program for Fall 2016? I would like to talk to people who are so I don't feel so lonely.

That's awesome! I definitely think you can get in! It would be awesome! I have a 3.8 and 86.8 on the Hesi. This process is long

I know!! 3 months left :/

Do you already know what area of nursing you want to work in? @terrytee78

I would ultimately like to to work in the organ transplant field. My mom had a heart and lung transplant in 2014 an I have been in love with the field ever since. What about you? @brad2018

Wow, that's powerful! I want to start off working in Med surg. Then I want to move to the ER. But I think I want to try a little of everything except pediatrics.

My ultimate goal is to become a nurse practitioner. But I at least want to get my Master Degree. Like I feel called to nursing, it's just not a career for me.

I feel like it's my calling too!! When my mom was sick, we spent nine months straight in the hospital and the nurses at the hospital were so good to us. Hopefully this will be just the beginning for us.

I really hope we both get in and can do this whole journey together! You sound cool already!

I just sent you an email!

How long did you guys get the results after the exam?

It took about 2 hours for it to post on the website

I take the exam this morning, but have not got the results until now.

Yeah it only took a few hours. Should be up in no time. They are going to email you or you could go on the website I think

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