Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Is there anyone applying to BRCC's nursing program for Fall 2016? I would like to talk to people who are so I don't feel so lonely.

@ Ja9390 Yes, you're right. Hope all of us can get in. It is a good idea to take some BSN courses if someone cannot get in the fall semester. The courses taken at BRCC only take the weight of 10% for the admission. So, the GPA and HESI are the most important. Additionally, where do you know we can take some BSN courses?

HESI and where the classes are taken is moreso given the most weight it seems. I've know girls to get all their classes done at BRCC, make really low GPAs like 3.4s, but then get 90s on the HESI and they got in. The higher you can score in the HESI, the more likely you are to pass NCLEX on the first try which makes the school look good--schools want their graduates to have a high pass rate for the NCLEX, so it makes sense to try and weed out the people who aren't likely to produce those kinds of results before they even enter a program. We all did great on the HESI and have solid GPAs and I hope we all make it in. I was planning on taking the rest of my prereqs I need for southern at BRCC except for the ones that BRCC doesn't offer. I would need to take a nutrition and a Chem at southern

The long wait is I can't really plan my summer until i find out if I got accepted or not. I hope we all get accepted!

Southern university is my second option too!

Does brcc offer intro chem?

It offers Chem 101 for Science majors which is what you need to take

So every one should of taken the Hesi by now. So the wait begins...!

The wait sucks. I'm going to be working as much as I can over the summer to get my mind off of it.

Yeah, im most likely going to summer school. But im sure June will be here before we know it. I pray I get accepted!

Hey! What is everyone's GPA and HESI? I also applied for this fall/spring cycle!

GPA: 3.8

Hesi : 86.8

All classes taken at Brcc! Praying I get in. It's so competitive


i have 3.4 gpa and a 90 on the hesi

Hey!! I have 3.6 GPA and 86 on HESI..all classes taken at BRCC too! I am so nervous!!! Reading everyone's comments from years before are making me even more nervous.

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