It seems that our lactation nurses and the nursery nurses are at odds with each other. Many of the nursery nurses feel that a baby must eat Q 3- 4 or they will starve. Lactation takes the view (which I share) that babies do not need to be bottle feed, if Mom wants to breast feed, until 24 hours after birth or if the BG is low.
I have had allot new mothers in tears because the nursery nurse made them feel so terrible about breastfeeding.
2 weeks ago the nursery (with the support of our director) changed the feeding policy. Babies will now be bottle-feeding every 3 hours. If the mother is having trouble breastfeeding and is unable to breastfed, the baby will be given formula regardless of mother's wishes. Cup feeding, supplemental feeders, spoon feeding and all other alternative methods of feeding are not allowed unless done by a lactation specialist (of which there are only 2 and none on weekends or evenings) the only expectable feeding methods are bottle or gavage (sp?).
I was called into a meeting with the director, because I am known to be a "problem" when it comes to compliance with these new polices. In other words I take a little extra time to allow mom and baby to learn how to breastfeed. I was told that feeding is nursery's job and that sense I am a post pardom nurse (even though I'm a couplet nurse as well) I am to refer all questions regarding feeding to the nursery.
I know that most hospitals have an "us and them" attitude between NSY and L&D but I don't think my feelings are based on that. Our nursery is continually apathetic toward the mothers, they call them stupid (not to their faces), don't let them hold their babies, shove bottles in their faces and constantly complain about them. They seem to think that they care more about their babies then the mothers do.
I gave my director some examples of the things I have seen and her response was "well as a director what would you do? If everyone except a few people think one way and you, a new LPN think another way what would your decision be" My response was " I would do what was right for the patient". After that she listened to me a little more and admitted that I had some valid points but still said she was going to side with NSY and that I needed to communicate more with them.
I am not a confrontational person and have never argued with the NSY nurses, but I do work with patients and get them breastfeeding after NSY has given up.
I have been more careful but continue to teach my patients how to breast feed.. Iv only had a few rare cases that I was not able to get the baby latched after 1 shift. I know that eventually I will get caught and turned in but I feel I have to do what is in the best interest of my patient.
What do you guys think? Am I just being opinionated and causing problems?
What are your hospitals policies regarding feeding?