Boston Direct Entry Program - Calling All Applicants!

U.S.A. Massachusetts


Hello everyone - I just wanted to create a thread for those of us applying to direct entry programs in the Boston area to talk. Has anyone heard from any schools yet? Although I did not apply to Regis early decision (I am applying by the regular deadline), I know that they have likely already notified people - congrats to those who got in! I called Boston College a few days ago, and they said they are notifying people late February. I'm also applying to MGH, Northeastern and Simmons.

Good luck to everyone! :nurse:

Hi PsychLisa - I hope that turns into an acceptance! I am sure if you follow up with them and let them know you're still very interested, it couldn't hurt...

Btw, I just logged in to my Northeastern online application, and it doesn't say anything except that my application was submitted and complete, and my message center is also empty. How did you know to look there, did they tell you? Does waitlisted just appear on the screen when you login? I am anticipating a rejection since I wasn't even called for an interview, however I am just curious. Thanks!

Hi Choco-- thanks for the well wishes, I hope it turns into an acceptance too! They didn't tell me to look on there but I remembered back from when I applied to Northeastern (for my undergrad) that I found my acceptance just by randomly logging into the website. There was a little link to click today that said Admission Decision (as of 3/22/2011)

Just keep logging in daily, everything seems like it's being done in stages! Good luck!

Hi guys, for those who haven't seen this on the other thread, MGH started emailing acceptances out today/tonight - good luck!

Choco - thanks for the heads-up! Almost deleted the email from MGH since it went to my junk folder! Does that mean you got an acceptance email as well?!? Anyone else?

Congrats Jennahbee! I got an email as well this afternoon with an acceptance into MGH. They said a formal letter would follow.

Hi jennahbee - Yes, I did, and I am pretty sure this is where I will be going! Wow, that is crazy that it was in your spam folder - I am glad you caught it! Do you think you'll attend? How about you, PsychMC?

Congrats to both of you, and everyone else who heard good news!

Congrats Choco! I'm going to wait until next week when I receive my official offer from MGH to see if by some chance I might get some scholarship $. If not though, I will probably end up going to Northeastern. What about you?

PsycMC-Aside from scholarship $, what is helping you make the decision between the two programs?


For me, some of the big draws to NEU's program is that they have a portion of the program thats dedicated to you working and getting experience as an RN prior to starting your specialty track; they also don't require you to select a specialty until a year or so into the program (which although I know I definitely want to do the psyc track, I'm not positive If I want to work with children or adults...I like having some time to figure that out); NEU also allows for the option of either CNS or NP in psyc (which from what I've seen, others schools don't offer); and lastly I've just had an overall good experience with the staff and current students that I've interacted with in the program.

That being said though, I've heard really good things about MGH's program. And from what I understand, their program is a year shorter than NEU's, which is attractive to me. I know this probably sounds contradictory because the extra year at NEU is where you work for as an RN, but long story short, I already have a MA degree in another field so the faster I can get my career going, the better lol!

Are you trying to decide between two programs? If so which ones? Do you have any pros/cons to add that I may be unaware of?


I'm also leaning towards NEU over MGH. I've heard really good things about their program from current students, and the coop year sounds like a great way to split up the schooling, while getting some paid, hands-on education at the same time. Anyone else making decisions?

I am also leaning towards Northeastern. I have a friend in the program now who adores it.

Hi Guys,

I have been waitlisted at MGH for the psych MHchild/Adoles CNS specialty. I really want to go there. I called admission adn they said that there is no rank for the waitlist. Do you guys think it is because the waitlist is based on your specialty?

If you have any idea what so ever please post.

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