2019 Boston College CRNA


Anyone here apply to BC for January 2019 or hear about an interview yet?

Where else is everyone applying for 2019?

Any word on interviews?

No. It's reassuring to hear we are all on the same boat though.

A coworker was told by BC that most interviews would be early-mid August.

Just heard about an interview! Good luck everybody!

Hey!! Congrats and good luck!! What are your stats If you don't mind sharing??

Hi! I've had two years of Neurosurgical ICU experience at an academic medical center with cross training in SICU. I have a 3.74 GPA, my GRE scores are 165 verbal, 157 Quant, and 4.5 writing. I also have my CCRN, CNRN, and PALS.

awesome! well hopefully the rest of us will hear back soon as well.. patiently (not so much) waiting

That's awesome! When is the interview? Haven't heard anything yet. Did they tell you what the interview would be like?

The FAQs on the BC CRNA website says all qualified applicants are granted an interview. I suppose "qualified" could be subjective though.

Has anyone heard from any other schools yet?

It's scheduled for August 7th. Just from the wording of the email, I'm guessing they have multiple interview days.

Just checking in. No email here today :( Anyone else?

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