Books/lab kit costs 2x what class cost? Is that right?


So, I am taking my first pre-nursing course this summer, ANP101 through W. Lafayette Ivy Tech online. As I read here, I'm beginning to think I messed up and am going to set myself up to fail. The follett website is telling me that between the book and lab kit, I'm going to pay another $600...for a class that cost $355?? Is this right? Is there a better or cheaper way to get these materials? This degree is about to become cost prohibitive if I can't figure out how to do this easier. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.



go on craigslist! I bought the book and Labpaq for 102 for $150 for everything, then (since I am retaking 101 at the same time) I bought the labpaq for 101 for $100 and neither labpaq had ever been used! So that is $250 for the required materials. I did have to buy a code for $80 (since the book is used), so that is $320 as opposed to $600!

when u go to craigslist, just type Ivy Tech in the search spot (I go to the Indianapolis board) and it will bring up lots of books for sale. There were lots of ANP stuff yesterday. Hope that helps!

As a consolation, you will use the textbook for 102, and if you take Advanced Physio, you will use it then, as well. I also used it for reference when I was taking Micro and I've used it since I was in the nursing program.

These are all very helpful ideas. Thank you so much, guys. And it does help that you use the book for the second semester. :)

word of advice on using it for other classes- different regions use different books! I took 101 in Indy @ Lawrence, and used a red book w/ a skeleton on front. If I had stayed in the region, I could use it for all 3, but I am retaking it in Terre Haute and taking 102 in Kokomo and they use a TOTALLY different book! ( I had no idea that I needed new books till after I was registered). They use a green book w/ Serena Williams on the front. I think it is a little easier to understand. So, when u buy it, just be warned that there are 2 different books out there and if u change regions, u may have to switch books. That part sucks! that's why college books are a rip off!

aksteele, about the only thing I used out of the 101 lab kit was the skull model when we did the bones. I did not dissect the cow eyeball or the sheep brain and it did not affect me in the least. I do have a low-power microscope that I used to look at the tissue slides, but it was of limited benefit as well because my scope is a kid's scope of such low power. I still got a solid A out of the class. If you want my lab manual and anything else just let me know. I will sell it to you (you can even have the eyeball and brain but I don't think you would want to open them, I bought the kit from someone else so I don't know how old they are and they are looking pretty gnarly in their packaging). You can get the textbook from craigslist or ebay and you would have to purchase an access code as well for course compass ($80 from course compass directly).

Yes I believe all the online courses of 101 and 102 use Marieb (green with Serena Williams on front). Indy in person uses Saladin, while other campuses might use either of those two or a third one (Hole's). I know Muncie uses Hole's for example.

mommykelli, are you kelmom on IndyMoms Like Me? I am Chris3boys there!

yes I am!!!!!!!!

word of advice on using it for other classes- different regions use different books! I took 101 in Indy @ Lawrence, and used a red book w/ a skeleton on front. If I had stayed in the region, I could use it for all 3, but I am retaking it in Terre Haute and taking 102 in Kokomo and they use a TOTALLY different book! ( I had no idea that I needed new books till after I was registered). They use a green book w/ Serena Williams on the front. I think it is a little easier to understand. So, when u buy it, just be warned that there are 2 different books out there and if u change regions, u may have to switch books. That part sucks! that's why college books are a rip off!

Eek! No kidding. Yeah, I am doing this class at Lafayette, because it was the only one I could get fit in this summer, but intend to do everything else at Lawrence campus. I guess I'll be on Craiglist *next* semester selling this book. :)

aksteele, about the only thing I used out of the 101 lab kit was the skull model when we did the bones. I did not dissect the cow eyeball or the sheep brain and it did not affect me in the least. I do have a low-power microscope that I used to look at the tissue slides, but it was of limited benefit as well because my scope is a kid's scope of such low power. I still got a solid A out of the class. If you want my lab manual and anything else just let me know. I will sell it to you (you can even have the eyeball and brain but I don't think you would want to open them, I bought the kit from someone else so I don't know how old they are and they are looking pretty gnarly in their packaging). You can get the textbook from craigslist or ebay and you would have to purchase an access code as well for course compass ($80 from course compass directly).

Did you do it online as well? I wonder if the lab kits are the same campus wide, or if Lafayette calls for a different kit? WthHeck is this all so complicated? And here I was thinking I was so darn smart. :p If I can determine if your lab kit is what I need (not sure how to verify that), I would be interested in purchasing it from you. I did go on craigslist and email a few sellers. And I found the book on Amazon for less than fifty bucks, so that's a bonus. It's this lab kit that has me confused. How exactly you do a lab online. Grrr. Thanks for your patience with such a noob. :)

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