Books to help with....

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Specializes in nursing home, clinic, homehealth.

Do you know of any books that will help me with medical terminology, nutrition, or A & P 1? Someone told me I should get a A&P coloring book, does anyone know where? thanks

never liked those coloring books, bec you have to color them in first before you understand something, which takes more time than just reading a colored/regular book. my 0.02

i hated coloring books also. i just search on google/ images and got plenty pictures and info from there plus my school A&P book. for nursing we have pretty good book about nutrition Dudek "nutrition essential for nursing practice", i did not take medical terminology but my friends who did used also school book titled "medical terminology" i do not know author. i hope it helps. good luck to you.

Specializes in L&D.

Hi there. I never liked the coloring books either. But if you want it, you should be able to get one from your school bookstore. You could also check online at, or ebay. Something like that. I would recommend a program called A.D.A.M. It helped me with my cadavar lab. It quizzes you on the different organs, bones, muscles...everything. Good luck!

I have always found online resources to be top notch, varied, almost universally helpful and, best of all, free.

Use and type in the body part, organ system or term you want to know about and voila! Lots of resources. And you can do this in your jammies, if you so desired.

Assuming you are at the computer in your home rather than a public one.... :)

Specializes in Trauma, MICU.

I also did not like A&P coloring books. It was kinda fun coloring again, but 1) it takes forever to color them (have to stay inside the lines) and 2) the pictures are so different than from lab that they were of no use to me.

The thing that helped me the most was taking my digital camera to the lab and taking pictures of all the models and even the cadavers. Then at home I would load them on my computer and study them. It was really helpful for me and also I would magnify the pictures so I could see some parts better. Good luck!!! :)

Specializes in L&D.
I also did not like A&P coloring books. It was kinda fun coloring again, but 1) it takes forever to color them (have to stay inside the lines) and 2) the pictures are so different than from lab that they were of no use to me.

The thing that helped me the most was taking my digital camera to the lab and taking pictures of all the models and even the cadavers. Then at home I would load them on my computer and study them. It was really helpful for me and also I would magnify the pictures so I could see some parts better. Good luck!!! :)

This would have really been helpful for me as well, but unfortunately, it wasn't allowed. :rolleyes:

Specializes in Trauma, MICU.
This would have really been helpful for me as well, but unfortunately, it wasn't allowed. :rolleyes:

:o Sorry!

At first we weren't allowed to either, but I guess enough students asked then we were allowed to as long as we didn't sell or put the pictures on the internet.

I never had an A&P coloring book but wish I had.....A friend of mine has one and loves it. I've seen them at Barnes and Noble.

Specializes in Rural Health.
Do you know of any books that will help me with medical terminology, nutrition, or A & P 1? Someone told me I should get a A&P coloring book, does anyone know where? thanks

My A&P book came with an interactive CD and a website that you have access for, up to 1 year. Lots of people have told me to use the coloring book but both the CD and websites are very good in my opinion. VERY detailed and LOTS of quizes and tests on everything you could possibly think of.

Here is another website I found with links to just about everything you could possibly imagine.

Specializes in ER, Surgery, Community, Geriatrics.

Yes I didn't like the coloring books either - I found my interactive CD that came with my A & P book very helpful - I also have all of the "Incredibly easy" books - they have them for almost everything!!:)

I had A&P I 12 years ago-and now I'm preparing to take it again starting Jan 18th! I've been using the coloring book as review & I like it & it's somewhat therapeutic :) I think it depends on your style of learning though. I am very visual. I can recall the illustration more easily when I have created it myself. It has helped me memorize structure names/functions-more easily than just writing them. Some, auditory learners, benefit from taping lectures, but it doesn't work for me- tried it in college before. I really need the physical writing of notes and sketches I put along with them. (nursing school my make me change my methods though- who knows!:)

I have found actual pics of slides, etc. online from instructors- these will be helpful for histology lab exams!

I bought my coloring book at Barnes and Noble- they are not cheap. Mine ran $20.

Maybe you can find some illustrations/figures online and try it out before buying the whole book.

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