Book store trip what for new student


Just decided to head out to the bookstore in the city with a fam member and we have gift cards! This is a huge bookstore and I don't go often as it's far. What's something good I could pick up to help in school? I am thinking something like a pocket guide, flashcards? What is a must have through out school? Thank you!

Specializes in NICU, ICU, PICU, Academia.

Anyway you can apply it towards your required textbooks? Because they average $500-800 per semester.

I found the Saunders NCLEX review book very helpful, even in my first semester. I also liked the RNotes pocket guide a lot, as well. Enjoy shopping!

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

I use my Saunder's NCLEX book the most.

Thank you :) I was looking at the incredibly easy books... $50 for each!!!!!! I decided to wait and see what I'll need and buy those used at least. I ended up getting a pocket guide by davis because it gives the rationales. Saunders nclex book wasn't there though many many others were. Some very fat ones too. I have heard some expensive nclex books or programs one I heard like $400 I think the Hurst or Kaplan review.

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