BON program analyst still haven't receive my documents in unknown reason?


This is my 2nd time sending a letter/documents to BON. In unknown reason the first letter doesn't reach to my program analyst. But based on the confirmation card, the bon received it. Its already 2 months since I sent the first letter.. Today I called the BON because based on my tracking number and confirmation card the BON already received my 2nd documents on july 27, 2010.. I'm kinda worried now because when I called and spoke to the program analyst, she told me she still doesn't have it.. It might lost again or something. :uhoh3::mad:

This is where i send my documents


P.O. BOX 944210, SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2100

Is this happend to you guys? pls. help.

Where do you live? It would be worth a drive to take things in person. People do drive up there from the Los Angeles area. But from your post it sounds as if they receive the documents, but lose them in their building somewhere. I don't know what to tell you about that except to keep on sending them and keep a record of everything.

hi jatanga. It happened with me too same thing. My canandian board is saying they sent one and half month before my document to my board but my board in states saying they havn't receive it yet. i am too worried about it. they accept directly from them. i don't know what to do. I even requested my canadian board to send it again and they did it too. I hope this time they receive it.


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