Blood in urine...


I was just wondering what does it mean to have blood in the urine? I do not intend to substitute what I get from here for a medical checkup from my doc,I was just wonderin'. yesterday, I got a crampy type of feeling in my lower back, (left side) and when I went to the bathroom to urinate, upon wiping I saw blood and automatically assumed my period was starting. I did the usual, but blood never appeared on the sanitary napkin, but I'd still have blood when I urinate.

I still have the crampy feeling in my lower back, and I noticed that the blood most of the time looks like very small clumps with white or cream colored type stuff attached to it. I also have pain when I urinate; not a burning, but a "pressure"type pain. I know that blood in the urine and pain in the lower back can signal something wrong with the kidneys. I just want to get some opinions here.


Specializes in Med-Surg.

hmmmm......could be any number of things, like a stone, pyelonephritis, along with a UTI, etc. Definately you need to see your doctor asap for further testing, like an ultrasound or even phyelogram.

Good luck.

Definately need to be seen by a provider.

Too many things this could be, for us to go dx'ing on a BB.

While blood in the urine can be a natural occurance in women (some men actually) a through evaluation needs to be done before we can say that's YOUR case.

Good luck with everything. I had chronic UTI's for over a year. Urological problems are no fun!


Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

These are classic signs of both pyelonephritis and kidney stones. You MUST see a doctor; neither condition will go away on its own, and permanent damage may result if the problem is not tended to. Please don't delay any longer; go to the nearest urgent care center or ER if you can't get in to see your doctor.

Good luck to you.

I think I will go in to the er...maybe not today; here in this part of Michigan we are now getting hit with a "mutha" of a winter storm; my two kids are home because of a snow day; my daughter has a temp of 101.2, some vomiting, runny nose and a sore throat; and I have a broken ankle and can't drive (my right ankle)! Lovely, ain't it?

Thinking about my daughter, it just hit me; could her symptoms be due to the fact that she and my son didn't have their second round of the flu vacc.? They had the FluMist vacc. around the 15th-16th of December; She got ill after that (some vomiting). My getting my ankle broken has put a damper on things...I hate not being able to drive!!

Anyway, are there any consequences if my kids do not get the second round of flu vacc.

I want to join with the rest of Allnurses here and urge you to see your doctor stat. You could be damaging your kidneys as we speak and speculating about the differential diagnoses is a pointless thing right now. Get seen soon and feel better soon.

Please see a Dr. My sister had a raging kidney infection and was too embarrassed to tell my mom. My sister told me about her symptoms and i told her to tell mom. I told my mom to take her to ER since she had the symptoms for well over 2 weeks...thank goodness...they said that she could have went into acute kidney failure due to the extent of her infection. Poor sister...she was only 15 yrs old. So the moral of the story is...don't wait on this!!!:)

You must make time to go to the ER or your doctor. You're trying to deny it because you are afraid, but in truth, stones or infections are easy to cure. You're going to wait and end up on dialysis. IMHO

Seriously guys, I'm not afraid and I'm not trying to avoid this, nor am I in denial. My husband came back not too long ago from taking our daughter to the ped., she has scarlett fever. We have a foot and a half of snow; we live in a rural area where the roads are terrible and we do not live close to the hospital at all.

That's one of the main reasons I want to get into the medical field, besides helping people I am utterly enthralled by medical procedures. I am the one who is quick to go to the dr.; my hubby calls me a hypochondriac! I am not afraid, just that at this particular moment, other things are prevailing right now, a sick child, the road conditions, distance of the hospital and my primary phys., and the inability to get around right now (broken ankle)-having to depend on others to get me where I'm going. I really do plan to go, I just want the roads to clear up a little better. Thanks so much for the concern, but I am truly not afraid.


Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

So when are the roads expected to be cleared? Any more snow in the forecast ? Probably... right?

Sick child or no, broken ankle or not... get your hiney to a doc/urgent care/ER... anything.. just GO. If it were a true emergency, you'd find a way, right?

Quit trying to rationalize, justify.. GO.

Nip it in the bud BEFORE it becomes a major issue... your little ones need a HEALTHY mom, your new phlebotomist job is waiting for you and you don't need to be sick in bed the day you are to start...

in other words, get your butt in gear and get this checked out without further delay !

Lovingly, Jnette... HEMODIALYSIS RN (get it?)

you're right, Ms. HEMODIALYSIS RN!!!:D

(although I do like the part about my new phlebotomist job....):p

Thanks for being so caring, guys.


Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

Sooooooooooooo............. ?????

AND............ ?????


(tapping fingers...) Didya GO ??? :stone

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