Bladder Scans...HELP!!

Nurses General Nursing


I am looking for a bladder scan for the facility that I work at. If you use a bladder scan where you work, would you please get the following info:

Company who manufactured the scan

Model Number

Web site if you know it...

I have found only one and I know there are more out there. The one I have located is Diagnostic Ultrasound.

Also...if you have any comments out your experience with the bladder scan I would love to hear them. I am trying to talk my administrator into the investment!!!

Thanks, Donna...

You can email me at [email protected]


We use one at my facility, but I'm not sure who makes it. When I go back to work on Saturday night, I'l check it out for you. ;)

i find bladder scans to be quite useful. of course, that is if it is working properly. i used to work rehab and found that it has prevented many unnecessary caths....have you done an internet search on bladder scans yet? good luck with management and i will check next time i am at work as to which brand we have. :wink2:

I work in a urology clinic and have used a Diagnostic Ultrasound bladder scanner and an ultrasound to measure post void residuals. I prefer the scanner because it is easier to use and seems more accurate.

What do you plan to use the scanner for? We do not use the scanner routinely on patients. We use it to measure residuals following a Uroflow test.

We use a bladder scan on our Gyn and TURP patients to check for post void residuals. Especially on the Gyn patients, it's a nice way to make sure they are emptying their bladders without needing to straight cath them after they've had their foleys removed. I know the patients really appreciate this, too.

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by DMMRN

I am looking for a bladder scan for the facility that I work at. If you use a bladder scan where you work, would you please get the following info:

Company who manufactured the scan

Model Number

Web site if you know it...

I have found only one and I know there are more out there. The one I have located is Diagnostic Ultrasound.

Also...if you have any comments out your experience with the bladder scan I would love to hear them. I am trying to talk my administrator into the investment!!!

Thanks, Donna...

You can email me at [email protected] have mail..:) OOps..same one u found. But I did include earlier model numbers than the one that appears on their website. Sorry...:o

I think that we use bladderscan BVI, I don't know the model off the top of my head.

here is a article that I found about it. I will try to find the website


For what it's worth, we use the Diagnostic Ultrasound, model # BVI 2500. We use it for a 90 y/o who has been having problems with retention for the past three weeks or so, and he can't void on his own at all. The order is for straight cath q12 hrs if over 200cc. It saves going in the bladder unnecessarily if less than 200cc. In 12 hours you would hope this man will have over 200cc, but he hasn't been taking PO fluids well for the past few days. Now he has an IV for dehydration. :o

Thank you so much for helping out with this!! Keep sending me the information! I have checked out all of the links so far, and am gathering lots of info. to submit!!

Thank you again...And HANG IN THERE NURSES!!!


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