Bitter taste in my mouth... (venting)

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It was this exact time last I started my nursing program, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to take the world by storm :D well I have exactly 71 days left until I am officially complete. I am in an accelerated program and I will be in school through the spring and summer so yes August 20 is my official date. :yawn: But I don't feel like I did going into the program. In fact, I feel the complete opposite. Let me explain.

I have come to realize that, it's not the patient care that I have issue with. I really love that part of nursing. :heartbeat Getting to know my patients and their families and being apart of their healing process. What I don't like is the more than a few sour grapes (Nurses) I've come across.:uhoh21: I don't know if I can work in an environment where it seems that alot of people are out for SELF. No one is to be trusted. And mistakes are not easily looked over.

Don't get me wrong, I have come across a few RN's who are amicable, and willing to show you things and help you out and believe me you, I show them and tell them how much I appreciate them because they deserve praise and I want them to continue to generate their support to others who are up and coming. :yeah:


I've had nurses get upset with me for double checking an order with a M.D instead of coming to them. (which I did and when she didn't give me enough reassurance I proceeded to speak with an M.D) :madface:

I've had nurses too busy to allow me to report off to them so I had to wait 20 min after my clinicals ended to spend 20 seconds telling them I was leaving the unit and the patient is sleeping.:madface:

I've had nurses tell me to do things that I've not even done before and if I ask them questions like where do I find a urinalysis dipstick on a unit that I've only been on twice so that I may figure out out to test it on a machine I've never seen or used without ever being shown, they are ready to call me everything but the child of god.:madface:

I even had a nurse that I'd been working well with all day, tell me I could give a med (benadryl) after I showed her how much the patient was supposed to receive because my instructor was gone to lunch. Then she turned around and got mad because although I administered meds for the first time ever during this particular rotation at this particular hospital, I wasn't aware that I was supposed to scan the patient and the med (because everything is done on the computer) to indicate that it was given so instead the RN scanned it 5 min after the med was given which is why I should have never even given it without my instructor in the first place. I called myself trying to help her out so she can do other things and she turns around and tells the instructor that I gave the med without scanning the pt or the med and I got written up because I wasn't supposed to pass meds without my instructor present:nono: and although the RN knew this too, she still decided to burn me.

I could go on and on but at this point I am quite jaded and unsure that I want to go on. I feel like not only do I have to attempt to provide the best patient care possible (which is fine) I also have to stay on my toes, make no mistakes, help no one even if they ask (because this increases the chances that I'll screw up trying to do a favor) watch my back, cover my ay-es-es, trust no one and did I mention, make no mistakes? I know alot of people will disagree but this the view from my eyes and I have only just begun! :cry:

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Here! Here! Agrippa

lets face it, the majority of nurses are stressed out, most hospitals think only of the almighty dollar, and most managers are not to be trusted. There, I've summed it all up.

I would agree with the stress part of the factor. I had a nurse bite my head off over something silly while in clinicals and instead of reacting with anger back, I just told her that I was sorry. 20 minutes later she came to find me to show me a cool, new to me, procedure. If I had blown up, it would have been a terrible day for her and myself. Instead, I didn't take it personally and actually got to learn more from it. Just remember, nurses are under so much stress and don't mean to take it out on you personally. What that nurse did was not nice but you shouldn't have gone against school policy either. Lesson learned. Good luck.

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