Published May 5, 2008
4 Posts
I used to be a member of this site years ago when I attended LPN school & prior. Well, after much pressure, I decided to go for my RN. I WILL NOT go back to traditional school, only b/c I do not want to put up with the BS that went with it. So, yesterday, I signed up with TCN & after reading your threads, I feel I made a grave error. My contract states I have 3 business days to cancel. The reason I went with them is b/c I was told that it would take 4 months to get my EC stuff & even be considered a student. The price doesn't bother me of TCN, if I read & study their material, I will pass. Again, I am starting to panic. I like have text books, but I want to start college ASAP, I am tired of waiting. Any suggestions? Should I stay with TCN or go w/EC?
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
You'll have to go with EC ANYWAY!! TCN is NOT a college; they are a middleman. You have to pay fees to EC as well, ON TOP of what you pay to TCN! I'd cancel that contract. Go to eBay and search on "TCN" and see all the wonderful TCN materials you can buy without signing a contract, and for hundreds less. The TCN materials aren't bad, but they are NOT required. I didn't use them.
And it does NOT take that long to get accepted to EC! Sheesh, the fibbing from those TCN people! LOL
This is just my opinion, of course. YMMV. :)
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
You still have time to cancel. DO IT NOW. E-mail them NOW so there's a time stamp and then call tomorrow and then send a certified letter dated tomorrow.
34 Posts
Amazon also has TCN. More than ebay...a little more expensive but more to choose from. I got a sociology one off ebay for $0.99 plus $5.00 shipping. And let me just say...BOOOOORRRRRIIINNNGGG. It might help me pass..but DANG. It's just sheet after sheet of black and white paper. I would think I would need a textbook anyway. (I got one...also ebay...also super cheap)
Thanks Everyone. I'm going to call EC in the AM & start the process. I already did the application last year. Oh, Lunah - I'm a fellow redhead too. Great to have another hair minority in the loop. I'll post myself when I remember how to do it.
akanini, MSN, RN
1,525 Posts
I am just so sorry you didn't check allnurses before signing up with TCN. Get out of that contract QUICK!
Yay, redheads!!!
I'm glad you're going to be able to cancel in time!! :)
I keep getting postcards from TCN in the mail ... "Earn your RN in as little as 18 months." LOL!! I'm taking my CPNE next month. :chuckle
Were you able to get out of the contract?? I have been thinking about you all day. LOL! I hope it wasn't too late!
I was thinking about you today too. Let us know what happened.
THANKS EVERYONE!. Hey, gotta tell ya that the guy I dealt with to cancel was . He was really nice & wished me luck. So, I contacted EC & they said they already have my application & was processed last year, so go ahead & get started on my general courses. Yipee! Now I have to give the book back to the rep. inorder to get my $500.00 back. Not looking forward to that. Anyway, things have changed alot in 3 yrs. since I've on this site. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Thanks again for the support.:heartbeat
Whew!! :tbsk:
LOL!! That bathtub emoticon is too freakin' CUTE! LOL
I'm glad there was a happy ending to this thread. :)