Published Jul 22, 2007
427 Posts
ok, here it goes...
Got out fo LVN school and went straight into a CN position at a small LTC facility. Really liked it. Left for pedi HH only because of better hours and LOT better pay.
After 2 years of PRN LTC and FT HH, decided to move to another city and become a med/surg nurse. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WHAT I DO!!!!!!!!!! I have not one time gotten up to go to work and said "man, I dont wanna do this." Actually its the opposite. (except for that one time after I came back from vacation, but only the one time.:lol2:
Well, I am working 4-5 days a week, 12 hour shifts, mostly on the med/surg floor, and picking up some shifts in the EC.
While I was looking for this job, I put in some apps and rec'd a call back after 7 months for one place. The DON liked me so much, she took my resume with her when she went to another facility.
She is offering M-F, my hours as a TX nurse, and "asst. asst. DON, that will become an ADON in a few months". Pay is over 6 dollars more an hour, taking call only one week a month and the hours. I am a single mom.
But it is LTC. Same ole' same ole'. (No offense to anyone. I do love geri, but I love my current job, but my heart IS my kids.!!)
What would you do?
Oh, yeah. I am going thru EC and should have my RN by the end of this year, so I wouldnt really have the LTC job after that, but should have enough expierence to become a DON. And current job is willing to pay for 80 percent of my college after I graduate. Plus pay for 80 percent of my BSN.
I feel like a bad mom for even considering to stay at my current job, but with my RN coming soon, I dont know...... Please send replies.
Thanks. Texas
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
I'd go with my heart.
1,927 Posts
Would you be miserable in LTC? Your kids are going to notice if their mom isn't as happy as she once was. Are your kids complaining about the time spent away from them? More options will be open for you once you receive your RN. It's a tough decision. Sit down and have a talk with your kids (if they're old enough to understand). The extra $6 you make in LTC would just go to pay tuition.
Normally I say do what makes you happy. But that's hard when you have kids because you have to make them happy too.
I have spoke with them about it, and I really think they are still to young to really understand what is going on.
I think my biggest hold back is that in around 6 months I would be looking for another job, and basically be right back where I am now hour wise but less days a week.
Thank you both for your replies.
105 Posts
I think my biggest hold back is that in around 6 months I would be looking for another job, and basically be right back where I am now hour wise but less days a week.IMO your answer is above. The DON held onto your resume because he/she knows you're sharp...but she wants someone she can bring along up the ladder...(prob not that interested in a 6 mo hire.)Good luck! texas_lvn!
IMO your answer is above. The DON held onto your resume because he/she knows you're sharp...but she wants someone she can bring along up the ladder...(prob not that interested in a 6 mo hire.)
Good luck! texas_lvn!