Best Places to Work in North Texas


I am looking for Texas Nurses, mainly in the North Dallas area, that love their job...I work in a small hospital in Texoma area..they recently accquired the competition and are going through many changes, most of the changes seem to be making the nurses work until they can't take the abuse anymore and leave...they show no repect for the nursing staff...none of the people I work with are happy and many have left..Any replies would be great...


I worked at Medical City Dallas and loved it. It is the 1st Magnet Hospital in Dallas, has great workers, low turn-overs cause the nurses love it there, and have great morale (lots of rah-rah meetings and give you free shirts, bags, etc to show their appreciation for you). Hope that helps.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

best place to work in North Texas??? Well that would be Oklahoma!!! :) :) :) Sorry, just couldn't resist!

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Education.
best place to work in North Texas??? Well that would be Oklahoma!!! :) :) :) Sorry, just couldn't resist!

Here, here! :yelclap:

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Alert: this thread is 5 years old. The OP has not posted in 5 years.

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