Best Nursing Magazine?



Just wondering what you consider is the best nursing magazine out there (maybe there's only one?). I would like to subscribe to one to keep my nursing knowledge up to date as I go through nursing school and beyond.


Specializes in Cardiac Care.

My favorite is Nursing2010 (next year, it'll be Nursing2011...). It's very clinically focused and I find the articles and features to be very informative.

The same publishing company also publishes AJN and Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, plus several journals targeted for specialty areas.

I think you'll enjoy Nursing2010. I subscribed initially as a nursing student and have kept it now for several years. I wish you much luck and success throughout school and your career!

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

I subscribe to the American Journal of Nursing. I just starting receiving it this year but have been very pleased. They have in depth articles and up to date research and drug information, in all areas of specialty (as a float pool nurse it was important to me to find a publication that didn't focus on just one area.). They have had front cover stories on children with cystic fibrosis, midwives and birthing centers, the care of military families, and more. I will be renewing my subscription.

Specializes in ICU LTACH.

When I was in nursing school (graduated May,2010) I subscribed to Nursing 2009, & 2010, as well as Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. Both of those magazines had great articles that I used plenty of times for review before many tests. They both were very helpful throughout the nursing program. Many times I made copies for my study group and my other classmates, so that we could do a quick overview on different subjects.

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

Most schools of nursing wil require you to use journals for one of your information sources. AJN is a journal.

Thank you for the helpful posts!

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