Best compliment ever!!


Today I ran to the Verizon store really quickly to grab a phone...didn't take time to shower and had greasy hair pulled into a ponytail. As I was dickering with the store employee, a couple came up to me and asked if my name was XXXX, I said yes, (embarrassed about my appearance!!) and they said we knew delivered our baby. The ladies eyes welled up with tears and she reviewed her experience with me. (The FHR dropped into the 40s and we couldn't get it to come up with interventions, Doc wanted her rushed to the OR for a crash and by the time the Doc got there, FHR was up so we watched her and ended up taking her back to her room later where she delivered a healthy little girl!) She said that she was so grateful, and that "even when you were running down the hall pushing my bed, you were completely calm and reassuring, and you'll never know how much you meant to me, I'll never forget you!" Whew, what a compliment!!! I've walked on clouds all day long! I guess I've always wondered if people remember you after the experience if over a while, and this was 8 months ago.

Sorry it's long, but I had to share that one! :p

That's great!!! It is so awesome to get a compliment like that.... We need to remember these times when we THINK we aren't bonding or helping the pt as much as we do others b'c sometimes we touch them and we don't even know it. We usuallynever see them again but times like these when we do and they tell us how much we meantto them is when the whole thing is worth all the blood sweat and tears.... I am so glad for you.... Keep up the great work.....

AND.... They didn't even care what you looked like:-)

AND.... They didn't even care what you looked like:-)

that is what makes it all worth while:) whay to go!

that is what makes it all worth while:) whay to go!

Specializes in Oncology, Cardiology, ER, L/D.

That is so great, bet it turned your whole day around. My first delivery ever when I worked L & D was a crash C section. Beautiful baby boy named Shersingh, (dad was Jordanian air force), the family came back to the floor a week later with food and wanted pictures with all of us who assisted them. It was definitely an inspiringing moment.

Specializes in Oncology, Cardiology, ER, L/D.

That is so great, bet it turned your whole day around. My first delivery ever when I worked L & D was a crash C section. Beautiful baby boy named Shersingh, (dad was Jordanian air force), the family came back to the floor a week later with food and wanted pictures with all of us who assisted them. It was definitely an inspiringing moment.

That is wonderful! I think as nurses we don't hear enough all the positives and thankyou's which have resulted from our care :)

That is wonderful! I think as nurses we don't hear enough all the positives and thankyou's which have resulted from our care :)

Many of the reasons I want to go into nursing are because of the GREAT L & D nurses I've had at the births of my children. And yes, I remember ALL of their names, AND which shifts they were on! (I've been through it four times...) Two in particular (with baby #2) were so fantastic I just had to write to their supervisor AND to them. They were truly examples of what nursing is all about. I hope that when MY time comes to be on the "nursing end" of L&D, I will be able to have an impact like these ladies did. Keep up the good work you all do; your patients DO appreciate it!

Many of the reasons I want to go into nursing are because of the GREAT L & D nurses I've had at the births of my children. And yes, I remember ALL of their names, AND which shifts they were on! (I've been through it four times...) Two in particular (with baby #2) were so fantastic I just had to write to their supervisor AND to them. They were truly examples of what nursing is all about. I hope that when MY time comes to be on the "nursing end" of L&D, I will be able to have an impact like these ladies did. Keep up the good work you all do; your patients DO appreciate it!

My friend had just turned 17 when she had her baby, and it was a long labor, shift changed about 8 hours after she was admitted. She said the first nurses were being rude to her because she was so young, but after shift change, she had a wonderful nurse who kept telling her "you're doing better than most grown women, don't pay any attention to anyone who tells you otherwise!". She still remembers that nurse's name :)

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