Bellevue College 2012 hopefuls

U.S.A. Washington


Hello everyone,

I have just applied to Bellevue College for Fall 2012/Winter 2013 and I just want to hear from anyone who has also applied there. What are your TEAS scores? Do you guys know when we will hear back regarding acceptance/ rejection letters? Is Bellevue College your first choice or are you guys spreading out your applications to other schools?

Thanks Jeremy, and welcome! I had forgotten about those things that we had to do!!!
Thank you and you're welcome. Every time I see your post I see 'here shopping' misspelled. =)

Sounds great - have you ever tried StudyBlue? If so, is it a similar idea to that? We used it for our micro flashcards last year.

Does it just do flashcards?

LOL "here shopping" wouldn't be very far from the truth!

We used studyblue for flashcards only - not sure if there were other applications or not, but with micro and A and P, I felt that flashcards were the most effective. Might not be the case with the nursing classes, not sure. Sounds like your program would be more appropriate for it - thanks for sharing!

I did do the learning styles questionnaire - interesting, though not really surprised by the results. I plan on going through my folder again next week to see what I've forgotten about, and also ordering some of the textbooks (spreading out the textbooks and buying a few at a time might not seem as $$ painful!!!)

OneNote is set up. Anyone who is interested PM me your email and I'll send you the link. The notes I took for the orientation in there currently. Once I fix my scanner I'll scan the items from the orientation packet, and put them in there as pdfs. I have Winter 2012 also on the skydrive as an example of how I take notes for class.


do we get the

hippa and cyber security certs when we fill out the online stuff? is it online "classes"? i'm not sure exactly what the online forms entail, though i intend to take care of everything this week.

downton - On the back of the VALU packet are the instructions for printing out the certificates.

here's an amazon wishlist link to the book list for fall quarter including the recommended (but not required) texts.

where i was able to, i used the kindle version of the book. not much of a savings but i like being able to read the books on my laptop (instead of lugging around texts) and the search functionality usually ends up turning out to be a boon later on.

Great idea on the wishlist! The list says 12th edition for the Davis' drug guide - I'm assuming that getting the newer edition will only help us in the long run, correct?

I used the Kindle edition in the past for a few of my classes - very convenient!

I know it says 12th Edition, but for something used as a reference that's updated yearly I'm going to get the newest version. We wont be passing meds for the fall quarter anyways.

Is anyone planning on working while they are in the program? I am in for Winter qtr so I haven't been through orientation yet so I don't even know if it is possible with how things are scheduled. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice on this?

Hi BeeDub!

My opinion is, after orientation, that if you have a boss who is VERY flexible and/or you are only planning on working weekends, it might work for you. We were told not to plan to work more than something like 15-20 hours a week.

I know this isn't winter, but just to give you a bit of an idea, our schedule is as follows:

Lecture day - Wednesdays.

Clinical days either on Mon/Tues or Thurs/Fri and either day or evenings. If you are on Mon/Tues, then you have lab classes Thurs/Fri, and vice versa. The big thing to remember, is that each quarter you get a different clinical instructor, and are assigned to a different clinical group (in other words, different day/time for clinicals each quarter). If you can plan your work around that sort of a schedule, plus your study/homework time, then great!!!

Also, first quarter clinicals are 4 hours plus 1 hour post conference; after that, clinicals are full 8(?) hour days.

Hope that helps!


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