Bellarmine University

Nursing Students SRNA

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Has anyone heard of this school? It looks like they're not accredited yet but not sure how long that takes or the likelihood. Anyone apply to this school or was a pilot cohort before like this? Is it pretty safe to apply to new programs like this? It looks like the cycle just ended for their first cohort. 

Specializes in MSICU.

I'm interviewing later in the day so I'm wearing my suit. They recommended smart casual or business casual

How did it go? Was not expecting two rooms to be going at once. I felt like mine had a lot of clinical focus. But, nice staff and interviewers overall I think. Now the waiting game.

Wow I guess I didn't expect they'd be interviewing so many people. Was it mostly personal questions as expected?

skellington said:

Wow I guess I didn't expect they'd be interviewing so many people. Was it mostly personal questions as expected?

Yeah I think it's way more than 30. So, kind of in my head haha. I felt like there was a balance of clinical and personality. But two rooms so who knows. ?

Did you get a sense a lot of people were from the general Kentucky/Indiana/Ohio area, or was it more of a mix?

Honestly hard to say would have to see how cocktail night goes.

I agree the two rooms going at once was shocking. It was pretty busy during my interview slot. I had a pretty even mix of EI and clinical questions. I wasn't really expecting as much clinical. TBH I think I fumbled some parts ? but we'll see! I was told there were several people coming from the west coast (California & Washington). Cocktails in an hour and a half... curious to see how that goes! 

oceanly said:

I agree the two rooms going at once was shocking. It was pretty busy during my interview slot. I had a pretty even mix of EI and clinical questions. I wasn't really expecting as much clinical. TBH I think I fumbled some parts ? but we'll see! I was told there were several people coming from the west coast (California & Washington). Cocktails in an hour and a half... curious to see how that goes! 

LOL I missed an obvious clinical question too felt so dumb ? hopefully can unwind at cocktail but I feel like there's going to be so many people now haha

Matsunosuke said:

LOL I missed an obvious clinical question too felt so dumb ? hopefully can unwind at cocktail but I feel like there's going to be so many people now haha

I'm replaying my answer over in my head LOL ?. Like whyy did I have to say that. A cocktail to unwind is so needed ?

hey, it's just practice for inevitably saying crazy stuff in super-early-morning clinicals LOL...simulating the real SRNA experience

We got this! 

Good luck everyone interviewing today. Did any ask when we would hear back from those who interviewed in the directors room?

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