Hey everyone. I've seen some threads from previous intakes, but none for this upcoming one, so I thought I'd make my own.. and hopefully receive some responses.
Just wondering how many of you have applied already? And with what GPA, prior education (# of credits, past degrees), and work/volunteer hours or experience you are applying with.
Also what grades have you gotten in the pre-reqs?
I myself have got 35 credits at SFU with a 3.14 GPA..
I've been volunteering at a care home for a few months now.
My grades:
Chem 11 - 96%
Pre Calc 12 - 77%
ENGL 1177 - B
Anatomy and Physiology (1) - A-
Anatomy and Physiology (2) - B+
Psychology - A
For general education I got A's in both classes.
I just thought it would be helpful to see what others are applying with, so we can get a sense of our own standing and where we need to improve on. I hope in this thread we can all exchange tips and get to know eachother incase we do all end up going to BCIT together :)