Published Jun 30, 2009
4 Posts
Has anyone gotten an acceptance letter from Baylor for Spring 2010? I was told they would let applicants know one way or the other in June but I haven't heard anything yet. If you applied for a previous semester how long did it take to get your letter?
1 Post
Hello! I got an acceptance letter in the mail today from Baylor for Spring 2010. The letter was dated June 25 and I live up in the Dallas area so I'm assuming they were just sent out. I'm sure you will hear something really soon. Good luck!
541 Posts
congrats to you! I didnt apply, but that is so cool! :)
5 Posts
What Baylor thing are you all talking about? Is it a GN residency program?
112 Posts
Hi, I was accepted for Fall 2009 and I applied in January and did hear anything til the end of March. BUT if you look online at Baylor university, if you have a user name and password. I will tell you before the letter comes. Goold luck
Thank you for your responses. I got my acceptance letter. Yay!!!
I was just wondering, what were your GPA, getting into the program? And, how is the school out there. Because I am from California. Was the process hard or any hassle?
I had a 3.63 GPA with a 3.75 in science and a 90 on the HESI A2. I visited the school a couple months ago and loved it. It is a small school with a small class size the maximum students accepted a semester is 88. They are tearing down the dorm so they have contracted with a nearby apartment building to house students. The apartments are gorgeous. The process was fairly simple. All you have to do is mail in all your grades and scores and they will send you a degree plan. They don't have an application fee like some of the other nursing schools do. If you have any questions about the program Tina Glaspie is very helpful and she will respond to all your questions.
Good luck.
Hi HWink...I'm applying to Baylor's Fast Bacc program, and I am anxious about the HESI A2. I am a second degree student, and I have a 4.0 in my sciences, but I haven't had Chemistry in 14 years! What was your experience of the Chemistry and A&P sections of the HESI A2? And how did you prep for those particular sections? Thanks so much! And I agree, Tina Glaspie is very helpful! Congrats on your acceptance!
46 Posts
I just wanted to let you know that I just took the HESI A2 after taking Chem approx 16 years ago and A&P 13 years ago. I studied the evolve study guide for approx 5 hours (max). The chem and A&P were "easy" I did well on the A&P considering my long absence from school. My chem was decent, but not great. HTH!
Thanks AnnyLPC!!! Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions? :) Were you comfortable with all the science questions in the back of the evolve study guide? I feel like I know the information covered in the chapters pretty well, and the sample questions at the end of each chapter are manageable, but the (science) questions on the practice test in the back of the book are a little more difficult...did you find that to be true? Would you say the chem and A&P questions on the acutal HESI test seemed to be the same difficulty level as the practice test in the back of the book? Thanks so much!!
The science questions in the evolve study guide were the same level of difficulty-yes. In fact, some of the questions on my Hesi were THE SAME. If you know the stuff in the study guide-you will do really well. I also would agree that the back of the guide exam are harder. I never did well on them (chem mainly). But the information is what you should feel comfortable with. If you are then don't worry AT ALL! :-)