Bauder College Pleasant Surprise

U.S.A. Georgia


So I had a VERY NEGATIVE initial contact with this college. Through just ONE conversation it's apparent that this school is a for-profit. After calling the school I was transferred to their Atlanta campus...The guy answered the phone "are you coming to a information session" which COMPLETELY through me hello, thank you for calling Atlanta...blah blah etc.. it was INFO session info session. He continued to cut me off, avoid all questions. and even got SNAPPY with me. Their customer service is absolutely a turn off and I don't believe this school will be a top choice for me. smh some people do not need to be in customer service... I could NOT believe this guy. Take a PTO day if you don't want to work.:rolleyes:

6 weeks seem short. I wonder if we wil have class each day for each class to compensate for the shorten terms?

I turned my stuff into admissions or the nursing dept, i've done both

Yes I think I'll do both . Lol. As far as the class structuring, I'll ask tomorrow.

Is anybody an LPN already?

Yes please do ask. i would like to know when our first term ends and if college success is shorter. I'm not a lpn.

I'm not an LPN. Faith, How long have u been an LPN? I'd really love to know if we'll have to meet or what to expect come Feb 1st and I hope the letter comes this week :)

I thought we had 7 terms of classes 10 weeks long each? But we have to do orientation for 2.5 hours so I'm sure all of us will be at ease before class starts on the 1st.

When do we have to do orientation? How did you find this out? I feel lost....yikes

Orientation is January 30th

Orientation is January 30th

hello everyone I will also b in the Feb nursing class!

@ petiteRN Thanks for the info

Can anyone remember if classes will be five days a week and if/when clinical will begin? Thanks!

Not sure what the schedule is and the first tens weeks it will depend on your completed per reqs.

Clinicals start I think 3 months into the program....depending on what pre reqs you finished...,

Hi Everyone:) I am new to this site... I will be starting the LPN program @Bauder on the 1st as well. I am excited and nervous at the same time. Orientation is Jan 30th @ 10:00 am.....

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