background check


Does anybody here know of any company that does your background check for you? I want to get an idea of what my company is saying about me before I fill out a job application.

Specializes in ER, Trauma.

Try "" It.s the only one I know of, never tried it myself, though.

I just had one done prior to entering nursing school this January. They had us use They went back 7 years and check your last known addresses, SSN, sex offenders list, criminal background check, something with Homeland Security, and Medicare/Medicaid to see if you are on the list for defrauding them. I think it cost me around 80 bucks.

If you are in north central Texas, you can check with Group One. They call themselves a credit reporting agency, but any supervisor you ever have can post anything there about you that they want to, good or bad, honest or not, and you won't find out about it unless and until you ask. If you are unemployed, it costs nothing to get a copy of your "record." If you have a job, it costs something like $25.

Personally I think it is illegal and unethical, but it was started by some powerhouses, led by Ron Anderson (this is public record by the way), who is the CEO of Parkland Hospital. Apparently he didn't think the BON was doing enough to keep dangerous nurses out of their hospitals. So now, if you are conscientious, responsible, don't put up with patients being abused or neglected, you don't work, because you will have a record with them.

I talked once with someone from the BON (they wanted me to be the liaison with the local state legislator) and complained about Group One. Some responses you never forget: "Oh, are they still around? We haven't heard about them in a long time." I told them they were hearing about Group One now, because I had actually been denied a job because of Group One's report. They said they'd look into it.

Guess what happened..... nada.

Best way to keep your record clean, stay under the wire, don't complain, don't advocate for patients unless someone else does it first and then be quiet about it. Learn not to be bothered by patients crying out for water or whatever. Or, don't work in north central Texas.

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