Authority to test and Licensure


I really need help regarding this and soon. I m a Bsc nurse working in India for the past 1 n half year.

i am immigrating to new york as my Husband's a US citizen. i haven't yet appeared for cgfns nor nclex (dreading them)

I went through the New York nursing board website and came to know that I need a clearance from cgfns to appear for nclex in US. But does that mean I have to just do certificate verification or clear cgfns exam itself plus certificate verification ?

But if it's just verification then once I get verified, how long is the validity of this certificate? I mean is this verification or authority to test valid for a year or months? Because in this time period I need to prepare for nclex also.

If I have to appear for cgfns before nclex by default, then please what's the process for the same?

MI would b very grateful if anyone can help me out with this.

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.

NY requires Credential Verification Service (CVS) which happens to be one of the services CGFNS offers. All it does is verify the authenticity of your international education and ensures that it meets NY's requirements for licensure as an RN. You don't take the CGFNS qualifying examination. You send an application specifically for the CVS via CGFNS (the link is found here: Credential Verification Service for New York State | CGFNS International | Global Credibility). It is a one time deal in that once you receive your CVS report, you can then apply to take the NCLEX-RN. You have time to review after you receive an authorization to test. You set the place, date, and time of your actual NCLEX-RN testing at your convenience. That should allow you plenty of time to review and be prepared. Good luck.

Thank u for UR help Dea, but I have few more queries..

1. How much time do I have for reviewing, after the credential verification before which or within what time period I should take nclex?

2. Do I pay the verification fee in dollars? Is the transfer line safe?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Fees are paid in US$. The CVS process takes approx 6 months and then usually 1-2 months further with NY BON. This is a rough guide as a lot will depend on how timely CGFNS send out the paperwork and it is returned.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum

Specializes in CTICU.

The CGFNS clearance does not dictate the timing of your NCLEX exam. When you apply to New York State for licensure and have completed the requirements, they will issue you an "Authority to Test". You have 90 days to take the test after this is issued.

90 days??!! Oh n if I couldn't take the test in these 90 days then what happens? Do I hv to do go through the whole process again ???

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Do not apply to pearsonvue until you are ready to sit the exam. If you do not sit the exam within 90 days then you have to pay pearsonvue again and get a new ATT

But ATT is given by the New York State board rgt? This is valid for how many years?

Hi is the permanent resident card, okay to bring at the testing site for identification?rather than the drivers license / passport?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
But ATT is given by the New York State board rgt? This is valid for how many years?

NY BON give eligibility to sit NCLEX Pearsonvue issue the ATT

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Hi is the permanent resident card, okay to bring at the testing site for identification?rather than the drivers license / passport?

If in doubt check with the center you plan on taking the exam at. Check here

Ok so I mean this eligibility, what's the validity of it? i m eligible after credential verification by cgfns n BON for how many months or year ?

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