Austin Community College Fall 2009 Entry

U.S.A. Texas


Just wondering who else is waiting on acceptance for Fall 2009 for ACC? I am about to go crazy waiting till May 1st! :uhoh3:

Hi everyone,

I'm also applying to the Spring 2010 program and my ranking score is 50.4. I'm concerned because I haven't yet received an email about the 1105 class although they have started releasing them to applicants with 50 points.

Has anyone else with around 50 points received/not received their email yet?

Thanks :)

Hi everyone,

I'm also applying to the Spring 2010 program and my ranking score is 50.4. I'm concerned because I haven't yet received an email about the 1105 class although they have started releasing them to applicants with 50 points.

Has anyone else with around 50 points received/not received their email yet?

Thanks :)

Hey, roguejacque -- according to the ADN Department's Twitter account, notices won't be sent until after October 1 and will be sent via email.

I'm going to be a Fall 2010 applicant with a ranking of either 49.7 or 51.7 (depending on how I do on the HESI). When I was advised in the spring, I was told that a ranking of 50 or better was "above average." I'm starting to get really nervous now, though!

Has anyone else with around 50 points received/not received their email yet?

Thanks :)

I was wondering the same ranking score is 50.68 and I haven't received anything about the class either. I thought maybe it was just me.

Congrats to everyone who did make it!

I'm super bummed. I thought I would make it in this round. My rank was 47.4. Anyone else not get in? I wonder what the cut off was this round? Last semester it was somewhere under 45. Ugh I am so tired of waiting.

How many times have you had to apply?

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