Aussie nurse wanting school nurse job in Canada


I am currently working as a school nurse and child health nurse in Australia and would one day like to work in Canada as a school nurse. Anyone out there know of school nurse work in Canada and how easy or difficult it is to gain employment in this area? Would be really interested to here of your experiences and also of any Australian nurses who have gained employment in Canada as registered nurses/midwives or child health nurses.

Specializes in School Nursing.

i'm in the mid-west region and do not have any information for you about jobs in canada, but i wanted to wish you luck with your quest. don't give up ! :heartbeat

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Regardless you are going to have to go through a province, meet their requirements as foreign trained nurse and pass CRNE (which is only done 3 times a year in Canada). Going to move this to the International forum as I think this forum deals more with USA school nurses

In my province, we no longer have "school" nurses in every school. They are part of the public health department and cover specific schools, immunizations, head lice, and health education. For RNs a BScN is required. LPNs also work in the immunization programme and require a post-grad course in immunizations.

They are sought after jobs by both grades of nurses due to it being Monday to Friday 8-4 hours. Having said that, they are also required to work the flu campaigns in the fall/winter and have to do some evening work.

Seniority is usually the deciding factor and in my town, currently, unless you have seven + years of service, you won't get an interview.

The three year BN offered in Australia is also not the same as the four year degree that is being spoken of above. The Canadian degree is similar to the four year BSN in the US.

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