Augusta University BSN Fall 2018 Cohort

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, guys! I have applied to Augusta University's BSN program-Athens Campus for the Fall of 2018 and wanted to start a thread to compare stats and experiences with the application process. Comment below if you are planning on applying or already have applied! I mainly am just so eager to find out if I got in or not. Fingers crossed!

I know a couple of people that also heard back at the beginning of January... so I'm pretty sure the next round will be soon. Good luck you guys!

Y'all now I'm freaking out!! I got an email from Sarah Thomas saying something about me entering my Fall 2017 grades again. Well it says IF they're not included on my transcript, but I checked and looked at my application and it says they've been verified, they're included in my total GPA, and everything. I submitted transcripts like immediately when I was done with last semester and they say, "received". It looked kind of like a chain email, I was wondering if any of y'all who haven't gotten in got it too? Ahhhh now I'm nervous there's gonna be delay, I left her a voicemail since she didn't pick up!! Although I guess this means she's looking at my application now so I guess that's a good sign!

Actually wait the email says it's from Augusta State University. Okay it is a chain mail just signed by Sarah Thomas! I think I'm okay, but I left her a voicemail just incase!!

Yeah, usually if it says "Augusta University" it's a chain. Definitely ask and make sure you have everything in. Also I would send a copy of your transcripts directly to the school if you haven't because sometimes it's easier for them to view it. I called Sarah Thomas right when I turned mine in to make sure everything was also good on their side and she was super helpful. (That also was in September when everyone else wasn't trying to get their stuff in though). We need to start a Facebook page or something for people trying to get in or that have already gotten in so we can all help each other through this crazy process. I feel like a lot of people don't know about this website!

Aggr10, yeah I think it was a general email sent to everyone just incase you haven't submitted your Fall 2017 semester grades at this point. I called Nursing CAS and they told me on their end that all my transcripts were verified and stuff that I shouldn't have to edit them but I still left her a voicemail just incase! I agree to make a Facebook page!! I don't think anyone knows about this site unless you're like me creeping on the past threads from nursing schools to see what kind of GPAs were being admitted and stuff lol

Yeah I got the same email too! So does this mean that they're looking at our applications now?? Ahhhhh

Probably not! I think it just means that if you haven't submitted your fall grades yet then you need to update them on the application. Maybe this means they're giving us a little time before they have another meeting to decide on applications! I hope I hear by early February!!

I just toured the Athens campus on Friday and the Augusta rep said the committee was meeting that day to make some decisions, so I think a batch will be mailed out soon if they haven't gone out already!

Thanks javagerty that's helpful!!! Mine still says "ready for review" :( I hope they just haven't updated the status yet on mine and they've already looked at my application ugh I hate waiting I just wanna know!! I'm gonna be so sad if I have to wait another 2 months to know haha

My status has stayed the same too! I'm just ready to know if I got in or not! :) The wait makes it so suspenseful lol every time I open the "check status" I say a small prayer and hope that when I click on the application, it will say "Decision made"...WE GOT THISS

Do y'all know of anyone who's been accepted to the augusta campus??? I feel like everyone's been accepted to Athens which makes me even more nervous haha

I know a couple of people that applied to Augusta U that have gotten into the Augusta campus, but don't know of anyone who has gotten deferred. Before the app deadline, they typically don't defer or deny yet. After the deadline (which was earlier this month), they start narrowing down and making denied and deferred decisions. Y'all got this!

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