ATT as an NCLex-rn exam requirement


I'm a BSN graduate in the Philippines and I'm planning to take the NCLEX-RN exam in Hongkong. I'm planning to apply at Chicago, USA. Do I still have to get an ATT in order to take the exam in Hongkong? What is this ATT all about?

hello Kababayan:) I am graduate nurse here on Saipan. Most of our kababayan take NCLEX here on Saipan. Anyways I do believe you have to have ATT before you take your NCLEX regardless where u want to take it. Authorization to test (ATT) will send to you by Pearson as long as u already register to take the test, that is when u pay $200 online or by mail. Taking NCLEX is a 3 way step by step process:

1;) You apply to the board of nursing where u want to have a licence ( for u for example am sure u apply Chicago board of nursing.

2.) Then will send u letter stating your eligible to sit on NCLEX RN exam, and a package (the blue one) Information about NCLEX test etc....... and processing.....

3.) All you have to do, either u want to do it online or by MAil... IS to REGISTER for the NCLEX-RN exam, that is when u pay $200 online or mail.

4.) When Pearson receive the money, you have to wait i think more than a week to process if its by email, then They will send you your Authorization to test (ATT) by mail or email that u can now schedule when u want to take the test. On the ATT, theres expiration date so before the expiration date .. YOU HAVe to take the test OR else U have to REREGISTER again but have to wait for few months again to be eligible.

If you have any questions feel free to ask


I'm a BSN graduate in the Philippines and I'm planning to take the NCLEX-RN exam in Hongkong. I'm planning to apply at Chicago, USA. Do I still have to get an ATT in order to take the exam in Hongkong? What is this ATT all about?

You have to apply first to the State Board of Nursing of your choice plus CGFN's Credential Evaluation Service (CES) w/c Illinois BON uses.

Go to to search for Illinois BON website

Go to for the CES and download the forms or just go to their office in Shaw blvd. to get their free application forms and handbook.


Here's the the direct link for the Illinois application form and instructions. Just download it.

All above is correct except that to take the exam in Hong Kong requires a $350 fee, not the $200 that you pay stateside.

I have a problem with my CGFNS certificate. I passed the cg, i took the ielts last october and until now i still dont have with me my cg certificate. By the way im from the Philippines. I mailed my agency about this, they are from Florida, when i emailed them i told them about this problem of mine. After a week they repleid to my problem, they said to mail a request to the CGFNS that my cg certificate will be mailed to them instead to my address. To make things fast, and for them to apply my immigration petition right away. Is this right? will i follow there instruction? But, i still need my CG certificate for my requiremnt in NCLEX RN exam (Illinois state). The Illinois BON need a CG certificate to be eligible to take. If im going to inform the CG headquarter that I am allowing my agency to have my certificate as a third party, can i still get another copy?

You can have verification sent from CGFNS to the Illinois BON for proof. They actually will not accept your copy. And CGFNS Certificate is no longer required for Illinois, you can get by with just the CES form CGFNS.

And yes, it is okay to have your agency receive your CGFNS Certificate. They need it for your petition, or proof that you passed the exam. When did you take the exam? You will need the Visa Screen Certificate for immigration, which is a different Certificate than the CGFNS Certificate.

Did you check your account with CGFNS on their website to see if it has even been processed yet?

It actually takes about two months or so for the test results to get sent to them for the English exams, etc. It is not done overnight. I suggest that you check your account first to see if they have even received the results.

Specializes in CCU,MS,BURN OPD.

Hi Suzanne 4

I m registered to take the CA NCLEX-RN exam can I change it to different State like UTAH ? Please i need advice on these because i need to Re-apply. Thanks and more power to you . This is a GREAT site. MAHALO

:kiss :wink2: :cool:

You cannot just change it, you would need to go thru the entire process again with initial application, doesn't make any sense to me. You can phsically take the exam where ever you want, but at this point, I would not suggest changing and starting over from scratch.

Go for the CA license at this point.............And do you actually want to work in Utah?

hi suzanne 4

i am a registered nurse in nigeria, i wish to go to USA for job opportunities, , is it NCLEX-RN that i am to write or CGFN EXAMS? THANKS

Specializes in CCU,MS,BURN OPD.
You cannot just change it, you would need to go thru the entire process again with initial application, doesn't make any sense to me. You can phsically take the exam where ever you want, but at this point, I would not suggest changing and starting over from scratch.

Go for the CA license at this point.............And do you actually want to work in Utah?

Hi Suzanne4,

Thanks for replying oh the reason why UTAH is that my employer is in UTAH. They have send me a Utah application forms and will i have to do another finger printing again as you have said start from the beggiming, WOW. Mahalo


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