ATT has Arrived!

Nurses New Nurse


I just got my ATT via email last night. Every little step makes things feel more and more real!

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

good luck everyone!

get plenty of rest the night before. dress comfortably and think positive!

I am happy for all of you that already have your test scheduled!! Good Luck!! :nuke:

Can I just tell all of you, though, that I graduated in December and my school STILL has not even sent in our applications to the nursing board yet???!!! :banghead: Can you believe that?? I have a job that is supposed to start on March 2, but I have to have passed my NCLEX and the results have to be online by then.... GRRRRRR!!:angthts:

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.
thanks for all the tips. i've been trying to decide if i want to take a review class.

mba2brn -- there weren't any afternoon appts available in from jan-march at any of the locations that were close to me. i'm used to taking my school tests in the morning, so hopefully that will be practice enough at having my brain function so early in the morning. i might switch to an earlier date if i start feeling more confident. i get so much test anxiety!

well we can start a february support group for testers because i changed my date. i want to be able to follow suzanne's plan and my employer's new grad program is being flexible with me and others.

as far as your test anxiety, i think you should take the exam at the time that is most comfortable. if you prefer the afternoon then choose a date with an afternoon. this may give you time in the morning to relax by performing relaxation rituals. have you considered a test center out of town if you cannot find a different date? i will be going out of town because there are no test centers near my house. taking the nclex will require that i travel and stay overnight. :wink2:

Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

I wasn't sure which date in Feb you're scheduled to test, so I just wanted to say good luck to you :) I'm taking mine in a few days. AhhH!

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