ASU Fall 2010 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Arizona


Ok gang, now it's our turn to start sharing information, tips and score ranges for those applying to the ASU (Arizona State) upper division nursing program for the Fall 2010 semester.

With the new TEAS testing requirement, I'm not sure we can apply to our situation the historical score ranges from the past (when they had to take the NET) so let's all share information and support for those of us applying for advancement.

I took the TEAS today got an 85.3% composite score. Both the program and national percentile scores were 98%. I'm applying with a 4.0 GPA. If this was a NET score submission for the Spring 2010 semester, I'd be right on the bubble. I'm wondering how others are scoring on the TEAS and if anyone's heard of any nuances in the application of those scores to our overall advancement scores. I'm under the impression that the Program Percentile score is pretty important as it is the ranking within our program exclusively - does anyone know if that is correct or not?

I recall that there will be only 60 advanced into the upper division program this Fall so I know the competition is going to be stiff.

If anyone has any information regarding scoring, numbers applying, numbers to be advanced, etc, please share! It's a long way off until they let us know where we stand - It will be nice to have a forum where we can bounce off one another.

Hi Jbackphx,

I originally applied for the spring 2010 semester. The entrance score for the summer was actually lower than the spring so I think I would have gotten in if it were the summer program I applied for. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I hope you get in as well! I think my teas score is good but my gpa makes a big difference. Looking back, I wish I would have tried a little harder and gotten an A in English or chem. to boost my gpa. Oh well, we will see in July.

Crickets, I hope that info is accurate, that would be good news to us all, however are you sure it is not the 20 spots open for the Mayo campus.

@cricket where did you find out about the extra 20 spots?

@areli88 i don't think those spots are mayo. they are not taking people for mayo this cycle. that sucks too because i would rather be in the accelerated program, but i guess at this point just getting in is the priority :)

Hey guys,

My friend went to the Advancement Workshop yesterday; she's applying for the next cycle. I received the information from her. I asked again this morning, and she was positive that it was for Fall. If you want me to call an advisor to confirm, lemme know. Also, I asked about the TEAS score and she said that hasn't been calculated yet. Happy waiting everyone! :)

I also heard a couple of weeks ago that they were looking at adding an additional 20 spots for the Fall AND that those spots were at Mayo. This was from a very reliable source. At that time, they had not yet confirmed anything however. Perhaps there is some truth to what we're hearing out there......

i just don't know how they would add an additional 20 spots for mayo if our applications didn't signify which program we preferred. when i originally applied for spring 2010 we had to tell which program was our first choice so they could give the spots to those who wanted mayo first.

@cricket if you don't mind calling to confirm, i'm sure we all would appreciate it. good luck to you as well :)

I just confirmed with my advisor that there were 20 seats added and that letters will be mailed out sometime next week for students to mark their preference. The 20 additional seats are for the Mayo program. :D

so which program will everyone be marking as their preference?

I really would love to do mayo program but it is just too far from where I live:( (About 45 miles) So I think that I will just choose the regular program. If I get in! Fingers crossed!

I will be marking the regular program as my preference. I'm glad they opened up 20 more spots to people though!:w00t:

Got the program preference letter today.

First Choice: Mayo

Second Choice: Downtown

Just Getting In: Priceless.........


I'd be thrilled either way!

hi everyone, quick question do we need to take the form to the student services offices or is it ok to mail it?


by the way, I will be marking acceptance to any of the two with a preference for the downtown campus ( cant afford summer school).

I thought the same thing too but I mailed mine yesterday anyway.

1st choice-downtown

2nd choice-mayo

(I'll take what I can get!)

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